SEO Module

What SERPs data do we collect?

As we gather the SERPs data across all the countries, we use a fixed set of search terms, or ‘keywords.’ For each of those search terms we don’t just gather domain and position data. We gather much more! In most countries we gather the Top 100 search results. This gives […]

How much historical data does SISTRIX have?

In The Story of SISTRIX you can read about when the first Toolbox product was introduced in Germany. At that time, in 2008, we were only gathering data for the German market but very quickly after that we saw the value in gathering data for other countries. The UK, Spain, […]

What countries does the SISTRIX Toolbox cover?

SISTRIX provides SERP and visibility data for 40 different countries. With this you have access to the largest and most up-to-date database covering Europe and extending out worldwide. The SISTRIX Visibility Index is regularly checked and calculated for all supported countries. You can get an up-to-date list of supported countries […]

Is it possible to compare the Visibility Index history of multiple domains?

One of the most flexible and useful ways to compare the history of two or more domains is to use the comparison feature. Compare changes (when you suspect that a competitor or Google might be affecting your domains visibility) or compare mobile vs desktop views. You are able to display […]

How can I monitor the number of indexed pages for a website?

To enable a more regular check on the value of indexed pages for a domain, please add the corresponding page (domain, hostname, directory or URL) to your Watchlist. We will then regularly collect the indexed pages value from Google. Type in the domain into the search bar and hit enter. […]

How can I use my Optimizer keywords in the SEO module?

If you set up a custom keywords monitoring through the Optimizer and would like to evaluate and filter these keywords in the SEO module, you can do the following: Enter the domain you want to monitor in the SISTRIX Toolbox. Then go to “SEO > Keywords” in the left navigation […]

How can I display the Visibility Index history of more than the top 3 results under SEO host names/directories?

In the “SEO > Hostnames” and “SEO > Directories” evaluations, you will always see the top 3 most powerful hosts/directories in a graphic, showing their history. You are not able to select another host/directory outside of the displayed three. If you want to check the Visibility Index history for other […]