Google gives (a little) Insight Into Ranking Factors

In the USA there has been a menu option called “About this result” for every search result for several months now. It contains basic information about the result such as how long has Google known about the domains and whether the connection is encrypted. New information has now been added.

About this result. Example.

What is new is that Google (for the time being only in the USA and in English) shows the reasons why this result can be found in the search results. The following insights are currently shown:

  1. Are the search terms on the page?
  2. Are there synonyms / similar terms on the page?
  3. Do other pages link to this result?
  4. Are the results in the same language as your search?
  5. Is the hit (only) regionally / locally relevant?

Of course, this is not an in-depth analysis, but it does show that Google is striving for more transparency. It is also interesting that links are apparently still so important that they have their own point here.

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