The SISTRIX workplace: Our Offices in Bonn

Have you ever wondered what the SISTRIX offices are like? As an internet and software-company based in Bonn, Germany, we don’t usually interact face-to-face with our customers. To give you an idea of what our offices are like, take a look below so you can see what goes on at SISTRIX, and how we work.

Our 1000 square-meter offices in downtown Bonn are home to over 40 employees. We are very pleased to have found office space which meets our ideals of a modern working environment, in a historical city-center building complex.

Our offices are made up of an old building and a new building. The old building, Thomas-Mann-Straße 37, is only a short walk from Bonn central station and in the immediate vicinity of Bonn’s pedestrian shopping zone. The building was fundamentally renovated and expanded before we moved in. If you see the SISTRIX flags flying outside the building, it’s highly likely we’re in the middle of reacting to a major Google update, a Toolbox upgrade, or a local festival.

The building’s almost 4 meters-high ceilings, large windows and plenty of space allow us freedom and comfort, even on the more intensive working days.

We’ll also always find space for the obligatory table football, PlayStation, marble-runs, our quad-copters and even the occasional remote-controlled flying fish!

Much of the content created in previous years came from the second floor of the old building: tutorials, videos, IndexWatch postings as well as videos and graphics. Today, that continues on our new building with a fast-growing team of experts.

On the third floor of the old building – right below the roof – the programming of the SISTRIX Toolbox takes place. While our servers are housed in professional data centres, it’s here where the front-end and back-end functions are created, reviewed and enhanced.

The old and new buildings are connected by a garden. Our old and stately chestnut tree provides us with shade in the summer and you’ll often see ‘El gato’, our friendly neighbourhood cat sleeping here. The new building consists of four floors and an underground car park with additional parking space for bicycles.

The workspaces on the first and second floors of the new building can be divided using sliding panels attached to the ceiling. Thanks to this, the office space can be customised to fit our changing needs. All floors include sound absorbing ceilings with integrated LED lighting.

Our seminar and conference room is on the third floor of the new building. This is where our regular SISTRIX Toolbox Seminars take place in Bonn. Fast WiFi, projectors, smart TVs, video and live streaming equipment are always on-hand. For seminars in other cities we choose locations with similar facilities. Take a look at our seminar plan, for example.

Both buildings feature a fully-equipped kitchen with the new building having dedicated coffee kitchens on the first and second floors. We provide free water, coffee and fruit for all our employees and once-a-month we get together to prepare and enjoy an international-styled company breakfast together. El gato gets his own treats!