Transparency from Europe, for Europe

Platforms like Google and Amazon determine our daily lives, yet Europe’s share of the 100 biggest platforms is just 2.8 percent. Politicians call for “Digital Sovereignty” for Europe. We believe transparency is part of the solution.

SISTRIX offers the most extensive and up-to-date database for analysing the market-dominating platforms such as Google and Amazon. With our software and data, every market participant can transparently understand the mechanisms on these platforms and use them to their advantage.

As a German-based company, we are a part of Europe: we pay our full taxes in Europe, we create regular jobs here, growth and with our data, we help establish equal opportunities in the platform world.

Data Centers & Servers

We operate SISTRIX’s systems exclusively on servers that are located in data centers within the European Union. We plan to continue this approach in the future and to hold data exclusively within the borders of the EU.

Only SISTRIX employees have access to all servers used to operate SISTRIX systems. We also traditionally operate services such as the support/ticket system, billing and invoicing and other services ourselves and do not outsource these to third parties.

We keep at least two copies of all data (N+1 redundancy). We also strive to keep three copies of important data in at least two different data centers. The data centers we use are certified according to DIN ISO/IEC 27001.

Data Protection & Privacy

Our offer is not based on the processing of personal data. On the contrary: we collect publicly available information from websites and make this data available to our customers in a structured way. The usage requires no integration into the customer’s website.

SISTRIX, SISTRIX GmbH as the legal provider of the service, and all our employees are fully and exclusively subject to the EU data protection regulations including all national regulations in Germany and including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If personal data is involved, as in the case of e-mail communication with customers and interested parties, we treat this data in accordance with all applicable EU regulations. Only SISTRIX employees have access to this data. We will never pass on, sell or share this data with third parties.

Security & Access Control

Software that is used as part of the provision of our service is regularly updated. In case of acute weak points in individual solutions, we update these components immediately.

We use firewalls, encrypted communication, virtual private networks and other methods to ensure that only authorised individuals have access to our systems. Our office is equipped with a physical access control system.

SISTRIX supports the use of two-factor authentication for users, as well as the login via identity providers such as Google (SSO SAML). Passwords are not limited in length and complexity within the usual framework. User accesses are stored in a log system.

Environmental Protection & Social Commitment

We exclusively use electricity from renewable sources such as solar, hydro and wind energy. This applies both to our office in Bonn and in particular to the data centers we use. Our office is heated by district heating from a waste incineration plant.

Where possible, we forgo the use of paper and keep information purely digital. We buy beverages in returnable bottles, and we prefer organic food to conventional food. We also do not provide meat or fish in our offices.

Among other things, we regularly donate significant amounts to renowned aid organisations and associations as part of the SISTRIX Christmas campaign. We also engage selectively in causes that align with our beliefs. We support and promote local events of the SEO community in Europe.