API Reference

The SISTRIX Toolbox API enables automated and machine-suitable access to the majority of the toolbox data. This will enable you to integrate the toolbox easily into your internal processes and tools.

Starting from the “Plus” package, the API is part of your Toolbox account. The data available depends on the package booked. The “Plus” package gives you a limited API access level which includes only the Visibility Index data. The “Professional” and “Premium” packages offer you full access to all data and features.

The individual API methods are listed elsewhere on this page. On this page, you will find general information on our API.

The data, functions and results available may not be given to third parties without specific written approval.

API authentication

Authentication happens through the use of an API key. The main user account can request your API Key on this page

The API key needs to be conveyed through the parameter “api_key” with every request. If this doesn’t happen or if an invalid API key is used, the API reports the error message “100”. You can create mlutiple API keys in the toolbox, apply a label and delete them if you wish. You’ll also find a logfile showing the most recent API calls made with your keys.

Credit system

Credits are debited from the your account depending on the requested data. Respective credit costs are listed alongside the descriptions. The credits for your account refill overnight, from Sunday to Monday. Credits do not rollover from the previous week. The amount of remaining credits can be obtained via the API:


Output format

All requests and answer values are UTF-8 encoded. Ordinarily, answers of the API interface occur in XML format. Alternatively, you can receive data in the JSON format. For this, the parameter “format” needs to be added to every URL, with the value “json”.


Country selection

If no country is explicitly chosen, all return values refer to the toolbox data in Germany. Other countries can be selected via the transmission of the “country” parameters.

Possible values for the country parameter: de, at, ch, it, es, fr, pl, nl, uk, us, se, br, tr, be, ie, pt, dk, no, fi, gr, hu, sk, cz, au, jp, ca, ro, hr, bg, si


Extended data basis

API requests occur, by default, on the standard database of the toolbox. These include two million keywords per country – one million for desktop results and one million for smartphone data, respectively. On top of that, we offer an extended database with millions more keywords in some countries. These Keywords are updated monthly rather than weekly, but are considerably more comprehensive. In order to reach the extended database via the API, the parameter “extended” needs to be set to the value “true”.


Smartphone data

In addition to the desktop search results, the toolbox also calculates results for searches made with smartphones. In order to retrieve these results via the API, the parameter “mobile” needs to be set to the value “true”. The extended database is not available for smartphone data, therefore a combination with “extended” is not possible.



The API limits access to 300 requests per minute, per API key. Please make sure there is a delay of at least 300ms between each request. If you exceed these limits, the API will return the status code 429 (Too many requests), the credits for these requests will not be deducted.