Link Methods

The SISTRIX Toolbox provides a huge database with more than 250 billion links for your link analysis. Via the API’s link methods you can access this data easily and fully automatic.

Either the domain, the path, the hostname or the URL can be prompted with these link methods. For this, the parameters domain, path or host are used.


With this method, an overview of the located backlinks is delivered. Thus, a complete count of the located links, a count of various hostnames (host-pop), various domains (domain-pop) as well as various IP addresses (IP-pop) are returned.

Required parameter: api_key; domain, path or host$key&


This method returns 10,000 of the most well-known backlinks for the domain in question. The optional parameter “offset” controls from which position the links are returned. E.g. offset=10,000 returns those links from 10,000 to 20,000. Apart from the API key, a domain name must be added through the “domain” parameter. The answer consists of the source URL (where it is known), the target URL and the link text. For each link one credit is used, however, only up to a maximum of 250 credits.

Required parameter: api_key, domain
Optional parameter: offset$key&


This method returns a list of the top link targets for the domain in question. In order to limit the readout and therefore the credit usage, the optional parameter “num” can be used. For each returned row, one credit is used.

Required parameter: api_key; domain, path or host
Optional parameter: num$key&


This method returns a list of the top link texts for the domain in question. In order to limit the readout and therefore the credit usage, the optional parameter “num” can be used. For each returned row, one credit is used.

Required parameter: api_key; domain, path or host
Optional parameter: num$key&