Google crawls FTP

While taking a look at the logfiles for a FTP-server I noticed that the Googlebot (recently?) is also interested in FTP-servers and registers there:

Mar 26 06:54:40 pure-ftpd: (? [INFO] Neue Verbindung von
Mar 26 06:54:40 pure-ftpd: (? [INFO] Anonymer Benutzer angemeldet.
Mar 26 06:54:41 pure-ftpd: ( [INFO] Logout.

In a few cases, Google even downloaded some files:

Mar 26 19:15:02 pure-ftpd: ( [NOTICE] /home/ftp/xxx/xxx.html heruntergeladen. (5828 bytes, 400.05KB/sec)

Is this going on for a while and I just did not notice? And are those files added to the Index?

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