Google’s Route out of the AI Trap: Authors, Confidence, Variety

Google is in a difficult situation – rapid advances in AI development. If Google does nothing it ends up, very soon, with search results being flooded with mediocre, regurgitated and popular content.

After some time for reflection, it is now becoming clearer how Google intends to escape from this AI trap. In a recent blog post, Google shows the first concrete actions:

Authors : In the past, Google has made attempts to assign content to individual authors. This idea is now being resurrected and the author will be displayed in the “About this Result” box in the future. I imagine that this will be the first step in a larger author and authenticity offensive by Google. Does an author stand by the quality of the content with their name, and maybe even a digital signature?

Confidence : The “About this Result” box is now globally accessible through the three small dots next to the results. If you enter a domain in the search, Google will also display the content from the box directly in the SERPs. Google’s trust in domains will be even more important in the future than it already is.

Variety : AI content is well-condensed and rewritten variations of existing content. Going forward, Google is actively trying to bring diversity of opinions, views and perspectives to the search results. Website operators should therefore always ask themselves: What does my content add as an additional idea that does not yet exist on the Internet?

Updated April 3 09:03 to improve a translation.
Original post here.

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