Filter Data

Here you can find all the filters in the Toolbox:


Search specific keywords or parts of it, or exclude them from the results.

Alternatively, you can also filter according to the keywords of an entire list. To do this, simply click on the small “Select keyword list” button. There you can select one of the lists you have already created.


Refine the displayed positions using this filter.

Positions 1 – 10 are page 1
Positions 11 – 20 are page 2
etc …


Search for specific URL components and entire URLs or exclude them from the results.

Alternatively, you can also filter according to the URLs of a domain-list. To do this, simply click on the small “Select list” button. There you can select one of the domain-lists you have already created.

Search Volume:

Here you can narrow down the results to specific search volume ranges.


Here you can narrow down the results to specific competition levels.


Here you can narrow down the results to specific Cost-per-Click values.


Use this filter to search for a specific hostname (for example or to exclude it from the results.


Select only the keywords with a specific number of words.

Title text:

Use this filter to search for a text contained in the Google Snippet’s Title within the results.

Snippet text:

Use this filter to search for a text contained in the Google Snippet’s Description within the results.

Number of directories:

Use this filter to indicate which path-level the result should be. For example, the URL is one level deep, while is two directory levels deep.


Search for a word or a keyword inside the Snippet’s pre-text within the results. The pre-line is a grey text-line which is shown in the Google Snippets to add some information about the result.


Use this filter to narrow down the results with a specific Visibility Index value on date#1.

Visibility Index on date #2:

Use this filter to narrow down the results with a specific Visibility Index value on date#2.

Visibility Index value:

Use this filter to narrow down the results with a specific Visibility Index value. You can also filter decimals, using the dot as a separator (for example 3.5).

Position #1:

Use this filter to narrow down the results with a specific ranking position on date#1.

Positions 1 – 10 are page 1
Positions 11 – 20 are page 2
etc …


Filter the results according to their original source.

Position #2:

Use this filter to narrow down the results with a specific ranking position on date#2.

Positions 1 – 10 are page 1
Positions 11 – 20 are page 2
etc …


Filter the results according to their ranking position in the table.


Use this filter to filter changes between date#1 and date#2. Remember to use a sign (+ or -) to indicate the change, otherwise the Toolbox will use + by default.

Example: The filter “Equals this value” 4 shows you all changes where the URL improved of 4 ranking positions between date#1 and date#2.

Absolute Changes:

Use this filter to define an absolute change between date#1 and date#2. Remember to use a sign (+ or -) to indicate the change, otherwise the Toolbox will use + by default.

Percentage Changes:

Use this filter to define a percentage change between date#1 and date#2. Remember to use a sign (+ or -) to indicate the change, otherwise the Toolbox will use + by default.

Absolute Change (Winners&Losers):

Use this filter to filter absolute changes. Remember to use a sign (+ or -) to indicate the change, otherwise the Toolbox will use + by default.

The change refers to the previous day or to the previous week, depending on the primary change selected in your settings.

Example: If you set the primary change to “Last week”, the filter “Equals this value” 4 shows you all changes where the domain improved by 4 visibility points between last week and this week.

Percentage Change (Winners&Losers):

Use this filter to filter percentage changes. Remember to use a sign (+ or -) to indicate the change, otherwise the Toolbox will use + by default.

The change refers to the previous day or to the previous week, depending on the primary change selected in your settings.

Example: If you set the primary change to “Last week”, the filter “Equals this value” 4 shows you all changes where the domain improved by 4% between this week and last week.

Shortened Snippet Title

This filter lets you find the results whose Snippet title has (“Yes”) or has not (“No”) been shortened by Google in the SERPs.

Shortened Snippet Text

This filter lets you find the results whose Snippet text has (“Yes”) or hasn’t (“No”) been shortened by Google in the SERPs.

Number of snippet lines

Define the results you want to see according to the number of their snippet text lines.

Results with Action menu

The action menu is the little, green arrow which Google shows after the Snippet URL of many search results. Use this filter to see (“Yes”) or exclude (“No”) all results with an action menu.

Result with Mini Sitelinks

Mini-Sitelinks are small, deep links within the results page. Google usually displays up to four of these, in one single line below the snippet text.

Use this filter to see all results which have (“Yes”) or don’t have (“No”) Mini Sitelinks.

Result with Rating

Google displays ratings in the form of stars on a scale from 1 to 5 in the result pages. Use this filter to see all results which have rating (“Yes”) or don’t have ratings (“No”)

Video Result

If Google detects that a video is embedded on a page, it could display a thumbnail with a preview of the video in the SERPs. Use this filter to see all results which have a video (“Yes”) or don’t have a video (“No”) as part of their Snippet.

Recipe Result

If Google finds structured data matching the recipe standard in the source code of the page, this information is displayed next to the SERP result. Use this filter to see all results which have (“Yes”) or don’t have (“No”) a recipe-markup in their Snippet.

Forum Result

If Google recognizes that the content of a page comes from a forum, extended information about the date, threads and topics will be displayed as an extended part of the Snippet. Use this filter to see (“Yes”) or exclude (“No”) these type of results.

SERP has AdWords

Use this filter to see all results where Google is showing Ads in the SERPs (“Yes”), or to exclude them from the table (“No”).

SERP has Featured Snippets

Google uses Featured Snippets to answer questions from the users and shows them at the top of the first result page. With this filter you can see (“Yes”) or exclude (“No”) all results whose result page contains a Featured Snippet.

SERP has Image Box

Use this filter to see all results for which Google shows an image box in the SERPs (“Yes”), or exclude them from the table (“No”).

SERP has News Box

Use this filter to see all results for which Google shows an News box in the SERPs (“Yes”), or exclude them from the table (“No”).

SERP has Knowledge Graph

With the Knowledge Graph Google displays existing, structured information on search queries near (desktop) or above (smartphone) the organic results. Use this filter to see all results for which Google shows a Knowledge Graph in the SERPs (“Yes”), or exclude them from the table (“No”).

SERP has Map

Google displays a map integration in the search results when a user wants to visit a location. Use this filter to see all results for which Google shows a Map in the SERPs (“Yes”), or exclude them from the table (“No”).

SERP has Google Shopping

Google Shopping is a special Ad version, where products are advertised directly with pictures. Use this filter to see all results for which Google shows a Google Shopping integration in the SERPs (“Yes”), or exclude them from the table (“No”).

SERP has Direct Answer

Google shows answer boxes above the organic results if it can answer the user’s question itself in the SERPs. Use this filter to see all results for which Google shows a direct answer in the SERPs (“Yes”), or exclude them from the table (“No”).


We calculate the opportunity-level according to the following information:

  • How far is the keyword from the Top-10
  • How high is the search volume for that keyword
  • How strong is the competition for that keyword

The opportunity-level of the first row is always 100%, while the remaining bars are ratio values compared to this result. Use this filter to see all results with a specific opportunity value.

Top Keyword:

Search specific keywords or parts of it, or exclude them from the results. This filter refers to the column “Top Keyword”.


This feature allows you to examine keyword intersections of up to five domains. Enter a domain to start the comparison.

Traffic potential

Filter the results according to the traffic potential of the keywords. With “Traffic potential” we mean the estimated traffic that can be expected from the first organic position for a specific keyword.

Common Rankings

Filter the results according to the number of overlaps between all domains.

Number of Parameters/ At least 3 Parameters

Filter the table according to the number of URL-Parameters. The quick-filter “At least 3 parameters” sets automatically the settings as “More or equal to 3”.

Top-10 Ratio/ Few top rankings

Here you can filter the ratios between the Top-100 and Top-10 rankings of the individual URLs. The quick-filter “Few top rankings” sets automatically the settings as “Less than 3”.

Containing Session-IDs

See only the results which have (“Yes”) or don’t have (“No”) Session-IDs in their URL.

Containing uppercase characters

Use this filter to see (“Yes”) or exclude (“No”) the results which contain capital letters in their URL.

SSL encryption

Show only results that run over the encrypted https protocol (SSL) or use the unencrypted http protocol (Uncrypted).

Position #1

Use this filter to limit the positions in the table for the first date.

Positions 1 – 10 are page 1
Positions 11 – 20 are page 2
etc ..

Position #2

Use this filter to limit the positions in the table for the second date.

Positions 1 – 10 are page 1
Positions 11 – 20 are page 2
etc ..

Position Competitor

Use this filter to limit the range of result positions shown in the table for the corresponding domain.

Positions 1 – 10 are page 1
Positions 11 – 20 are page 2
etc ..


Search within the first date for specific URL components or entire URLs or exclude them from the results.


Search within the second date for specific URL components or entire URLs or exclude them from the results.

Knowledge Graph ID

Filter the results according to the Knowledge Graph ID.

Min Matches (Keyword Environment)

Keywords which, within the URL environment, rank for one or more URLs in the top 10 (or top 20 or 30) positions. This allows you to refine the environment to more focused and successful keywords.

For example, if you set this filter to 5, the tool will first analyse the top 10 ranking URLs for the start keyword. Then, it will consider only those keywords for which at least 5 of those URLs are ranking in the top 10 results and show them in the table.

Top URL (Keyword Environment)

By default we show the keywords which rank within the top 10. This filter allows you to expand that to keyword which rank within the Top 20 or Top 30 for the URLs in the keyword environment.

For example, if you set this filter to “Top 30”, the tool will analyse the rankings of the top 30 ranking URLs for the start keyword, instead of considering only the Top 10. The list will then contain more keywords, but the single terms will be less relevant for your analysis.


Thanks to this option you’ll be able to go back in time and find out how the keywords and the rankings of the website developed over the years. If you don’t choose a date, the Toolbox will show the data for the current week. The keyword history can vary according to the selected data source (for example, mobile or desktop data).

Date (Optimizer)

Thanks to this option you’ll be able to go back in time and find out how the project issues developed over the last crawls. If you don’t choose a date, the Toolbox will show the data for the current week.

Date (Keyword table)

Filter the results according to a specific date or a period of time. The default date format is DD.MM.YYYY. You can select a different date format in the account-settings.

Add domain

Here you can add a domain to your existing list by entering it in the text-field. Alternatively, you can add a subdomain, a path or a URL: just select it in the “Type” menu and then write it in the text-field below.


Filter the results according to a specific language.


Filter the results according to a specific author. Search for an author’s name (or part of it) or exclude him/her from the results.


Filter the results according to the year of publication.

Change (URLs)

This filter can be used to filter for changes between the two dates.

Please note that the sign is important. If no sign ( + or – ) is entered, the Toolbox will consider the value automatically as +.

An example:
The filter “Equal to value” 4, shows only the changes where the URL has gained 4 positions between date#1 and date#2.


With this filter you can search the title displayed by Google result’s snippet.

Title on date#1

With this filter you can search the title displayed by Google result’s snippet on date #1.

Title on date#2

With this filter you can search the title displayed by Google result’s snippet on date #2.

No Snippet Text

Filter the results according to the number of Snippet lines shown in the SERPs.

Type (SERPs)

Filter the results according to the page types.

Follow Link

Use this filter to see the Follow (“Yes”) or Nofollow (“No”) Links.

With High Visibility Index

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index value of the linked Hostname (Subdomain). You can use the Visibility Index as a quality criteria: Subdomains which have a low Visibility are usually not found in Google. If you don’t select a Country filter, the Toolbox will show you the Country with the highest Visibility Index value.

Count (#)

Filter the results according to the number in the first Link Table column. This information summarises different links with the same link text from one domain. If the filter “Sitewide Links” is active, this column will be expanded and it will show all results individually.


Filter the results according to the server location. We try to track the IP addresses of the linking domains and determine the server location. If this is not possible, the column will show the symbol “–“.

Link from

Search all linking URLs – from the column “Link from”- which contain specific parts of URLs, or exclude them from the table.

Link to

Search all linked URLs – from the column “Link to”- which contain specific parts of URLs, or exclude them from the table.


Search all Anchor Texts – in the column Linktext- which contain specific words or word combinations, or exclude them from the table.

Visibility Index Domain

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index value of the linking domain. You can use the Visibility Index as a quality criteria: Subdomains which have a low visibility are not often seen in Google results. If you don’t select a Country filter, the Toolbox will show you the Country with the highest Visibility Index value.

Visibility Index Country

Select which Country Visibility Index should appear for the results in the table on a domain-level.

Visibility Index Host

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index value of the linked Hostname (Subdomain). You can use the Visibility Index as a quality criteria: Subdomains which have a low visibility are not often seen in Google results. If you don’t select a Country filter, the Toolbox will show you the Country with the highest Visibility Index value.


Filter the table according to the number of Top-100 keywords.

Visibility Index Host (Country)

Select which Country Visibility Index should appear for the results in the table on a hostname-level.


Filter the results according to the link type:

  • Textlink: The Anchor Text consists of text.
  • Imagelink: The link is on an image.
  • Image and Text: In the page there is a text and an imagelink which point to the same target-page.
  • 301 Redirect: The URL contains a 301 redirection to the target page.
  • 302 Redirect: The URL contains a 302 redirection to the target page.
  • Canonical Tag: The target page on this URL is defined in the Canonical-Tag.
  • Meta-Refresh: The URL has a built-in Meta Refresh that points to the target page.
  • INT / EXT: Internal or external links.


Filter the server IP addresses of the linking URLs.


Filter the Class-C-Network addresses of the linking URLs. The Class-C-Network is defined here as the first three blocks of an IPv4 Address and covers 254 potential host IP addresses.

From Domain

Search for a specific domain or a part of it (format: domain.tld).

From Host

Search for a specific Subdomain or a part of it (format: subdomain.domain.tld).

To Host

Filter the URL components of the target-host.


Use this filter to search a number of links which point to a linking domain. The column “Links” shows you how many links point to the domain, which in turn sends a link to the analyzed page. This value can be used as a quantitative signal, as it is very unlikely that domains which are not linked to themselves can send visitors via their own links.

Domain Pop

Search or exclude a domain-popularity value. For the domain-popularity each linking domain is counted only once, no matter how many individual links come from it.

Host Pop

Search or exclude a host-popularity value. For the host-popularity each linking subdomain is counted only once, no matter how many individual links come from it.

IP Pop

Search or exclude a IP-popularity value. For the IP-popularity each linking IP is counted only once, no matter how many individual links come from it.

Net Pop

Search or exclude a subnet popularity value. For the Net-popularity all domains hosted in a specific Class-C-style network (254 host IP address range) are counted only once, no matter how many individual links come from those pages.


Search for specific Top-Level-Domains (like .com or or exclude them from the table.


The column “Date” shows the date when the link has been found for the last time from our Crawler. With this filter you can search for a specific date-range or exclude it from the table.


Filter the table according to the following link-status:

  • 3XX – Page moved: The linking page is no longer reachable and has been redirected to a new page.
  • 4XX – Page not found: The linking page can no longer be accessed.
  • Link not found: The Crawler cannot find the link on the linking page. It’s possible that it has been removed.
  • Server offline: The server is offline and the link can’t be examined.


Add one or more competitors to your link-opportunity analysis. The competitors can be domains (domain.tld), hosts (subdomain.domain.tld), paths (https://domain.tld/path) or URLs (https://domain.tld/path/url).

After adding the competitor(s), the Toolbox will look at their domains and returns opportunities.


Search a specific subdomain (or a part of it) or exclude it from the table.

Visibility Index

Search for a specific Visibility Index value of the linking host, or exclude it from the table.


Search for a specific technology name, or exclude it from the table.

First seen

Filter the results according to the date when the technology has been found for the first time from our Crawler.

Last seen

Filter the results according to the date when the technology has been found for the last time from our Crawler.

Linkrating Value

This value is sourced from the errors, warnings and notices from the LinkRating project. It can be used to prioritise the examination of the individual links. Links with lower values should be evaluated first.


Filter the errors, warnings and notices of the project.

Link Classification

Filter the results whose links are in the content of the page (“Content”) or in the navigation menu (“Navigation”).

Page Classification

Filter the results according to the page types. You can search for the following types: Blog, Forum, Shop, News, Wiki, Feed, Unknown.


See only the results whose links come from an image (“Yes”) or exclude them from the table (“No”).

CPC LinkRating

Use this filter to see (“Yes”) or hide (“No”) all links whose Linktext has a high Cost-per-Click value on Google Ads. For purchased links, anchor texts are usually booked with exactly the keyword for which the target-page wants to rank. These money keywords are a good indicator, because most organic link providers do not link so explicitly.


See only those links which are contained in the Disavow File you uploaded on the LinkRating project (“Yes”) or exclude them from the table (“No”).


See only those links which point to a deeper page of the domain (“Yes”) or to the homepage (“No”).

Country Code

This filter can be used to limit the result table to a specific Country – if we are able to assign one to the linking domain.

Incoming Links

Filter the number of links which point to the linking domain. The column “Links” shows how many links point to the domain, which in turn sends a link to the analyzed page.

Page Title

Filter the results according to the text in the <Title> tag.

First headline

Filter the results according to the text in the <h1> tag.

Response time

Filter the loading time of the linking pages in seconds. You can also use decimals.


Filter the linking URLs according to their HTTP Status Code. You can also exclude the results with a specific Status Code from the table.


Filter the results according to the URL or parts of it.


Filter the results according to the number of links of the linktarget.


>Filter the results according to the number of domains of the linktarget.


Use this filter to search for a specific size of the document for the linking URL – in Bytes

1 Kilobyte = 1,024 Bytes
1 Megabyte = 1,024 Kilobytes = 1,048,576 Bytes


SERP Updates – Manual

Filter the results according to the number of manual SERP updates.

SERP Updates – Automatic

Filter the results according to the number of automatic SERP updates.

SERP Updates – All

Filter the results according to the total number of SERP updates.

Title Count

Filter the results according to the number of <Title>-tags found in the page.


You can filter the results according to their loading times, in seconds. You can also use decimals.

Content Type

Use this filter to search for a specific Content Type or to exclude it from the table.

Examples of Content-Types:



Filter the results according to their character encoding (Charset).

Here are some examples:

ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)


The level indicates how many clicks you need to reach a URL, starting from the homepage. Use this filter to see all results with a specific level or to exclude them. By default, the project starts on the HTTP version of the project’s www. host. This is level 0.

Size resource

Use this filter to search for a specific size of a ressource – in Bytes
1 Kilobyte = 1.024 Bytes 1 Megabyte = 1.024 Kilobytes = 1.048.576 Bytes

Links internally

Filter the results according to the number of links which link a URL to another URL within the same domain.

Link externally

Filter the results according to the number of links which link a URL to another URL of an external domain.

Meta Index

Filter the URLs according to their Robots Meta element, in the source code of the page.

You can use the following values:

1: A <meta name=”robots” content=”index” /> was explicitly set on the URL.

0: A <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex” /> was explicitly set on the URL.

-1: No index was added to the Robots meta tag of the page. In this case Google will treat the entry as if it were “index“.

Meta Description

Filter the results according to the text of their Meta Description


Filter the results according to their Canonical-Tag, if present. This way you can, for example, see all crawled URLs which point to a canonical URL.


Filter the results according to their AMP-Tag, if present. For example, you can see all URLs which point to an AMP Version of a page.


Filter the results according to the text contained in the h1 element of the page.

H1 Count

Filter the results according to the number of h1 elements of their page.


Filter the results according to the text contained in the h2 element of the page.

H2 Count

Filter the results according to the number of h2 elements of their page.


Filter the results according to the text contained in the h3 element of the page.

H3 Count

Filter the results according to the number of h3 elements of their page.


The source shows from which database the Crawler took the URL from. You can set the crawling sources in the project settings. By default, only the URLs that are found by the Onpage Crawler and are in the XML sitemap of the page are crawled.

You can filter the following sources:

  • Onpage: URLs which has been found by the Onpage Crawler in the navigation of the webpage.
  • SEO: URLs from the SEO Module. These URLs have keyword rankings.
  • Link: URLs from the Link Module. These URLs get backlinks.
  • Social: URLs from the Social Module. These are URLs for which social interactions could were found.
  • Search Console: URLs which come through the connection of an account with Google Search Console.


Use this filter to search for a specific resource, or to exclude it from the table.

You can filter the following resources:

  • IMG: An image file.
  • JS: A JavaScript file.
  • CSS: A CSS file.

Image ALT

Filter the results according to the Alt-attribute of the image-tag. You can also exclude all results with a specific Alt-attribute from the table.

Image title

Filter the results according to the Title-attribute of the image-tag. You can also exclude all results with a specific Title-attribute from the table. Remember that the Title-attribute is not the title of the image, but the Tooltip which appears when you hover the mouse on the image.

Insights Tag

Filter the results according to a specific tag you set for your project, or exclude them from the table.


Filter the results according to a specific location. To use this filter the project keywords have to be crawled using a local city/town setting.


Filter the table according to a specific device – PC, mobile, tablet.

Search Engine

Filter the table according to a specific search engine – Google, Bing, Yandex or Yahoo.


Filter the table according to the keyword crawling frequency – weekly or daily.


Filter the table according to the Country.


Filter the results according to the generated clicks.

Clicks Variation

Filter the results according to the estimated change in organic clicks between the two dates.


Filter the results according to the generated impressions.

Visibility Index:

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index value.

Visibility Index #date1:

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index value of the domain on date#1.

Visibility Index #date2:

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index value of the domain on date#2.

Display Position

Filter the results according to the Ads position in the SERPs: you can see all Ads which are positioned above (“Top”) or below (“Bottom”) the organic results.


Filter the results according to the Ads position for the specific keyword.

Lists – Competitors

Market Share

Here you can filter the results according to their Market Share value. The Market Share is the Visibility of the domain for this keyword set. (Per mille.).

The better a domain ranks for high traffic keywords, the higher its Market Share for your keyword list. In total, 100 percentage points are distributed.

Keywords Top-100

Filter the table according to the number of Top-100 keywords.

URLs Top-10

Filter the table according to the number of individual URLs for which the domains are found to have a ranking within Google’s Top 10.

URLs Top-100

Filter the table according to the number of individual URLs for which the domains are found to have a ranking within Google’s Top 100.

Keywords Top-10

Filter the table according to the number of Top-10 keywords.

Dashboard Name

Search for a specific dashboard name, or exclude it from the table.

Report Name

Search for a specific report name, or exclude it from the table.


Filter the results according to the domain or parts of it.

List Name

Search for a specific list name, or exclude it from the table.

List Type

Use this filter to search for a specific type of element, or to exclude it from the table. The following elements can be filtered: domains, hosts, paths or URLs.

Content Planner – Keyword

Use this filter to search specific main keywords or parts of it, or exclude them from the results.

Content Planner – Tags

Use this filter to search specific project tags.

Content Planner – Creators

Filter the projects according to the user who created them.

Account Settings

Profile management: Email

Filter the users according to their E-Mail address.


Filter the users according to their first name.


Filter the users according to their last name.


Filter the users according to their permissions – Admin, User, Onpage User or Inactive.

Add pin

After you click on “Add pin”, a box opens in which you can create your own individual event-pin. Choose a suitable name and enter the date. When choosing the date, you can click the calendar icon and then simply select the week in which the event happened. Of course, the pins are only visible on your account and no other account will be able to see them.

To modify a pin that you’ve already created or to create a pin for an entire account, go to the Pin Management. Simply hover over your profile picture in the upper right corner to open the settings menu. Then, click on “Pins”. There, you will find the familiar overview of all existing pins for your account.

Pins: Date

Filter the pins according to the date they have been set.


Filter the pins according to the domain they have been set.


Filter the pins according to their name.


Filter the pins according to a specific Country. Select “All” if the pin has been set as global.


Filter the pins according to the user who created them.

Download – Name

Filter the download list according to the name of the download.


Filter the download list according to the number of credits used.


Filter the download list according to the user who started the download.


Filter the results according to the estimated number of organic clicks.


Filter the technologies according to their category.

Keyword Count (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the number of keywords updated in a project.

Daily, weekly, monthly (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the number of SERP updates calculated on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Total credits (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the total number of SERP updates performed for you in the current billing period.

Project (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the name of the project.

Triggered (Statistics)

See only those projects which have been activated manually or automatically.

Credits before (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the number of URLs before a specific crawling.

Credits used (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the number of URLs crawled for a project.

Credits after (Statistics)

Filter the results according to the number of URLs left after a specific crawling.

Finish reason (Statistics)

See only those results whose crawling has been interrupted because its access was denied (“No permission”) or the number of URL credits was not sufficient to finish it (“Max pages reached”). Select “Finished” to see only those projects which were completed regularly.


Use this filter to search for a specific cookie or to exclude it from the results.

Cookies Name

Filter the results according to a specific cookie’s name. Search for a name (or part of it) or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to a specific cookie’s value (or part of it) or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to a specific cookie’s scope (or part of it) or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to the expiration date.


Filter the results according to a specific cookie’s path (or part of it) or exclude it from the results.


Filter all results with (1) or without (0) a Secure attribute.


Filter the results according to the HttpOnly attribute. Search for the attribute (or part of it) or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to the SameSite attribute. The SameSite options are: “Strict” (the browser sends the cookie only for same-site requests), “Lax” (the cookie is sent when a user is navigating to the origin site from an external site) and “None” (the browser sends the cookie with both cross-site and same-site requests).


Filter the results according to the cookies’s comment (or part of it) or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to the number of URLs containing the cookie.

Search intent

Use this filter to find all the keywords with a specific search intent:

  • Do: The user intention “Do” is about the searcher wanting to do something. Frequently it’s to buy something but sometimes it’s a download, install or other active process.
  • Know: A user with a know query would like to know more about a specific topic. This type of queries can be answered on one of the search result’s website or they can be displayed in a relatively small amount of space the size of a mobile phone screen (Know Simple).
  • Webseite: The website queries are search requests in which the user would like to go to a specific website or page on that website.
  • Visit: This is about searchers who are, mostly, looking for a local business on their smartphone.

URL score

The URL score works similarly to Google’s PageRank, but only considers internal links – pages that are often linked internally have a high URL score and should be prioritised. Use this filter to find the URLs with a specific score.


Search for specific components and entire OpenGraph URLs or exclude them from the results.

OG Title

Filter the results according to specific words contained in the og:title tag or exclude them from the results.

OG Type

Filter the results according to the og:type tag or exclude them from the table.

Status Code

Filter the URLs according to their HTTP Status Code.

Links int

Filter the results according to the number of internal links.


Filter the results according to the number of URLs or resources found by the Onpage-crawler.


Filter the URLs according to their number of follow links.


Filter the URLs according to their number of nofollow links.


Filter the results according to the type of issue found by our crawler.


Filter the results according to the pixel width of the Title Tag or of the Meta Description.

URL from

Search all linking URLs – from the column “URL from”- which contain specific parts of URLs, or exclude them from the table.

URL to

Search all linked URLs – from the column “URL to”- which contain specific parts of URLs, or exclude them from the table.

Meta Keywords

Filter the results according to specific meta keywords or exclude them from the results.


Filter the results according to their loading time in seconds.


Search all images which contain specific parts of URLs, or exclude them from the table.

Compare URL

Search for specific URL components and entire URLs or exclude them from the results. This filter applies to the page which has been considered for the comparison (first column of the table).

Date ssl certificate

Filter the results according to the date of the issue.

Xrobots follow

Filter the URLs according to their Xrobots Tag, in the source code of the page.

You can use the following values:

1: the Xrobots Tag attribute has been set to follow.

0: the Xrobots Tag attribute has been set to nofollow.

-1: No index was added to the Robots meta tag of the page.

Xrobots index

Filter the URLs according to their Xrobots Tag, in the source code of the page.

You can use the following values:

1: the Xrobots Tag attribute has been set to index.

0: the Xrobots Tag attribute has been set to noindex.

-1: No index was added to the Robots meta tag of the page.


Filter the results according to the number of products which have been found for the related keywords.


Use this filter to see all the results which appear (“Yes”) or don’t appear (“No”) in a Buybox.


Use this filter to look for a specific product title.


Filter the table according to the star rating of the products. You can also filter half stars, using the dot as a separator (for example 3.5).


Filter the table according to the number of reviews.


Filter the results according to the price of the products.


Filter the results according to the category assigned to the product.


Search for specific ASINs or exclude them from the results.

Parent ASIN

Search for specific Parent ASINs or exclude them from the results.


Filter the results according to the date when the reviews have been written.


Filter the results according to the name of the user who wrote them, or exclude it from the results.


Search for reviews with a specific title or which contain a specific word in their title, or exclude them from the results.


Search for reviews with a specific text or which contain a specific word in their text, or exclude them from the results.


Use this filter to see all reviews which have been marked as “Verified” (“Yes”) or haven’t been (“No”).


Filter the results according to the number of users that marked them as “Helpful”.


Filter the results according to the name of a specific brand, or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to the name of a specific product, or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to the name of a specific seller, or exclude it from the results.

Name (Amazon Keyword Review)

Filter the results according to the name of the product, seller, brand or category, or exclude it from the results.


Filter the results according to the number of keywords in which the product, seller or brand appears.

Visibility Index Ranking

Filter the results according to the Visibility Index ranking of the product, seller, brand or category.

Country (Lists)

Filter the results according to the referring Country database of the list.

Market Share

Here you can filter the results according to their Market Share value.

Type (Amazon)

Here you can filter the results according to the type of product or exclude it from the results.

Search Volume Monthly

Here you can narrow down the results to specific monthly search volume ranges.

Search Volume (Year)

Here you can narrow down the results to specific search volume ranges (annual average).

Google shows ratings for search results in form of stars, on a scale from 1 to 5. Use this filter to see all results which have (“Yes”) or don’t have (“No”) a rating in their Snippets.

Snippet lines:

Filter the results according to the number of their Google Snippet lines.

Intent: Know:

A user with a know query would like to know more about a specific topic. Use this filter to define the minimum value of the Know intent for queries in the table (0 to 100).

Intent: Know Simple

Queries which give a very specific answer, like a fact, diagram, etc. and can be displayed in a relatively small amount of space the size of a mobile phone screen. Google defines them as “Know Simple”. Use this filter to define the minimum value of the Know Simple intent for queries in the table (0 to 100).

Intent: Visit

This search intent is about searchers who are, mostly, looking for a local business on their smartphone. Use this filter to define the minimum value of the Visit queries intent for queries in the table (0 to 100).

Intent: Website

The website queries are search requests in which the user would like to go to a specific website or page on that website. Use this filter to define the minimum value of the website intent for queries in the table (0 to 100).

Intent: Do

The user intention “Do” is about the searcher wanting to do something. Frequently it’s to buy something but sometimes it’s a download, install or other active process. Use this filter to define the minimum value of the Do queries in the table (0 to 100).