We have been monitoring the search results on Google.co.uk from 26.07.2010 on and wanted to see if there is any truth to the saying, when it comes to Google’s results.
Health keyword: “flu”
Top 10 results on Google on 14.03.2011
Top 10 results on Google for “flu” on 14.03.2011
Top 10 results on Google 5 years later
We chose two weeks where Google Trends showed a surge in interest for both years. The NHS (National Health Service) has pretty much taken over the Top of the Top 10, otherwise we still see news articles and a few websites from the private sector.
Shopping keyword: “washing machine”
Top 10 results on Google on 26.07.2010
Top 10 results on Google almost 6 years later
What happened when it comes to a transactional search? Here we notice that review sites seem to have fallen on hard times and were replaced by big retailers.
Sports keyword: “european championship”
Top 10 results on Google on 12.03.2012
Top 10 results on Google 4 years later
Here we looked at two dates about 4 month prior to each championship, when the users start to show interest in the championship.
What do you think? Did the results surprise you?
I hope you enjoy it!