Is the same content in different languages a duplicate content risk?

If a piece of content is available in multiple language versions, for example in German and English, it is not considered to be duplicate content.

Nevertheless, it is still advisable to correctly mark the different language versions of a website using the hreflang attribute.

You should also pay attention to the above if you have the same content in just one language version, for example English, and publish it on multiple different domains (TLDs).

The hreflang guide for international SEO

In our hreflang guide for international SEO you will learn everything you need to know about the proper handling of Google and multilingual websites. Avoid duplicate content and learn how to properly use the hreflang link attribute.

Video explanation by Matt Cutts/ Google on the subject

Is the same content posted under different TLDs a problem?

Is the same content posted under different TLDs considered content duplication? We are an international company with a similar website in several countries, all in English.