Google has also been applying the same principle for several years in its search results – Mobile first. Innovations and optimisations are always displayed in the mobile SERPs before they can be seen on the desktop. Google is currently making some of these adjustments on the desktop:
- Number of results is no longer displayed: Up until now, Google has displayed the approximate number of search results above the desktop results. As has been the case for years in the mobile SERPs, this key figure will no longer appear on the desktop. Its usefulness was always rather vague though since the number was often roughly estimated by Google.
- Sorting by date no longer available: While it was still possible to override the Google algorithm on the desktop and sort the results purely by date, this option will no longer be available in the future . Google is convinced that sorting by the algorithm is the better choice in all cases.
- Fewer organic results: If you move a little further back in the organic results you’ll find a lot of keywords for which Google no longer even wants to display 100 organic results. The concentration of attention and clicks on the first results continues.

All of these efforts by Google point in the same direction: more control over the user, fewer options and a longer dwell-time in the search results lists. We can expect Google to roll out more adjustments aimed at this over the next few months.