Social Signals
By using our historical data you can find out what URLs are shared the most for many search terms. By using this data you can analyse the URLs and find out what type of content might have a better chance of being shared.
Using the Social Module you can analyse URLs that have been shared on social networks for any domain. The feature “Top URLs” allows you to order the URLs based on shares and is extremely useful for analysing competitor activities and comparing success across a series of domains. You can sort […]
The social module of the Toolbox measures the type and quantity of social signals available for the ranking URLs of a domain. At the moment we cover five large social networks and measure the following social signals. Facebook: likes, shares and comments on a URL are each measured as a […]
The crawler that updates the social signals that we display inside the Toolbox operates with a variable and self-learning update frequency. The above makes it so that URLs whose social signals numbers change frequently are updated hourly, while other URLs – which had no or only slight changes happen to […]