
Information about current SISTRIX SEO data and tool workshops / training sessions, is always available on our seminar booking page. Anybody with a valid SISTRIX account can log-in and register with one click.
Are Toolbox Workshops also offered in other languages? Are there differences?

The Toolbox workshops are also offered in other languages.Please note that the program and time may vary. To avoid any misunderstanding, please visit the corresponding pages:

Who is the target group for the Toolbox Workshop?

The Toolbox workshop is open to all SISTRIX customers and test account users who want to learn how to use the Toolbox.

How long does a Toolbox Workshop last?

The Toolbox workshop lasts 4 hours starting at 9:00 AM. Please note that the start times are for the London / UK time zone (+1 for Central Europe). Read the whole program here.

What equipment do I need to participate? Do I need to install any software?

For an online workshop, you only need good headphones. A microphone is not absolutely necessary, but it is practical for the Q&A session.Our Toolbox workshops currently only take place online via Google Meet, so you do not need to install any software to participate.

How do the Toolbox Online Workshops work?

It’s very easy to participate in a Toolbox workshop.First log in to your SISTRIX account. If you don’t have a profile yet, you can set up a free test account during the registration process. On the workshop page you will then find all the information about the available workshops and […]

I have registered for an online workshop, but I can no longer participate. What can I do?

Have you registered for a workshop, but something came up? No problem: our support team will help you book a new date and free up your place for someone on the waiting list. Contact our support team here.

Are SEO basics explained in the workshops?

The main goal of our workshops is to show you how to use SISTRIX for your daily SEO tasks. Therefore, SEO basics are not actively explained. However, if you have any SEO questions, you can ask them in the Q&A session at the end of the workshop. Also check out […]

How many times can I participate in a workshop without paying?

It depends on the package that you booked. If you have a SISTRIX test account, or you booked the Start package, you can attend one Toolbox seminar per calendar year free of charge. Customers with the Plus package have two free participations per calendar year. The number of annual participations […]

Do I have to pay to participate in a SISTRIX workshop?

No, for Toolbox Training Workshops, the first participant in a calendar year is free. Users with a free test account may also sign up.  Additional participants from a company are charged 300 euros (plus the relevant tax) per person.