Status Code 307 – What Is A 307 Temporary Redirect?

HTTP status codes carry status information between a server and a browser. There are many different types of status codes, but the 3xx category, in particular, focuses on redirects. 

As the name suggests, a 307 temporary redirect is intended to be used when the change isn’t permanent. Here is everything you need to know about status code 307 to tell you more. 

How does a redirect work? 

If you own a website, the chances are that at some point you have to delete a page. But did you know that when you delete a page, it can remain in the search engine index and all incoming links will remain with the old URL. This means that users will still be able to find the URL of the deleted page and click it on. 

When they do so, they will be given a 404 error because the page doesn’t exist. Such errors generate a poor user experience, which in turn will affect your page rankings. To avoid this, redirect status codes need to be implemented. 

Several 3xx status codes can redirect your users to elsewhere. The key is to select the right code which corresponds with the reason as to why users need to be redirected, along with how long the redirection will last for. 

307 Redirect: An Overview

Not all 3xx redirect status codes are created equal. A good analogy of the 307 redirect is to imagine you are driving, but there is a temporary diversion in place because of a burst water main. The issue isn’t going to remain for too long, but while it’s there traffic needs to be diverted elsewhere.

A 307 redirect (also known as a 307 temporary redirect) covers this very same scenario but within a website browsing experience. For some reason, you want to divert people away from a particular page or your website as a whole. But unlike a permanent redirect, this change is only temporary. 

As with any temporary redirect, it should only be implemented when the change is genuinely temporary. Otherwise, it can harm your link equity. Most redirects are 301 redirects for this very reason, though indicates a permanent change.

Temporary redirects are incredibly rare, as you need a good reason as to why you would temporarily direct traffic away from your website or a page – the very opposite of what your SEO efforts are all about! So take time to consider if a 307 redirect is truly the best solution to the issue. 

302 vs 307 Status Code

302 found is commonly used for temporary redirects. Though given a 307 redirect is formally titled 307 temporary redirect, it can certainly be confusing. 

Originally, the role of the temporary redirect was filled by the 302 found redirect. However, most clients (Chrome, Firefox etc) changed their HTTP request method from POST to GET. The more specific 307 temporary redirect was introduced as part of a HTTP update. 

Most content platforms suggest that a 307 redirect should be used over a 302 redirect when the redirection is extremely temporary. A 302 redirect should only be used if you want the URL that you are redirecting to show up in the SERP with the contents of the page that you’re redirecting to. 

What Type Of Redirect Is Best For SEO? 

As mentioned, temporary redirects should be avoided unless strictly necessary, as they can harm your link equity. 301 redirects are permanent, but they will maintain your link equity, as Google recognises it’s essentially a change of address. 

Link equity is important for every website because the more people link to your website, it tells search engines that it is a helpful and popular result. But, if the link suddenly no longer works and users receive error messages, this would harm your SEO. 

Whenever you’re carrying out a redirect of your page or website, ensure the changes are implemented correctly with the right 3xx status code selected. 


When it comes to using status code 307, you should only do so when a 302 or 301 wouldn’t be suitable. For instance, if you were trying to fix an error on your website so temporarily needed to redirect people to another page. Given a 307 redirect can affect your link equity, it should be something that you monitor the timeframe on to ensure your original URL location is restored as quickly as possible.

While some plugins exist to help you manage your redirects on WordPress, it’s always worth consulting an expert opinion if your CMS is different, or if you’re unsure. This will ensure your users aren’t given page errors which would negatively affect user experience and ultimately page rankings.

Steve Paine