PageRank-Update 12/2009
Google is updating the PageRank-values on their datacenters, just as 2009 is drawing to a close. The roll-out is going on at the moment and some datacenters like or are already showing the new values. Those of you who do not want to wait for the toolbar to […]...
Johannes Beus
30. December 2009
Merry Christmas
Holding with tradition, my Christmas greetings come rather late but still from the bottom of my heart. I wish a merry Christmas and a few restful days to all of our readers. I am looking forward to next year, where I believe that we will see a lot of interesting […]...
Johannes Beus
24. December 2009
Twitter: Usage
While yesterday’s evaluation was more about the growth (which might have plateaued out or maybe even regressed a little) of Twitter, today, I want to look at how Twitter is being utilized by the user. Just like yesterday, all the following diagrams are based on data extrapolated from about 10% […]...
Johannes Beus
6. November 2009
Twitter: Growth
Just as I said a few month ago, after being rather skeptical in the beginning, I turned out to be a Twitter-fan: many informations that would have passed my by before are now showing up in my Twitter-stream. I do agree that there are a lot of useless informations, too, […]...
Johannes Beus
5. November 2009
SEO.at: SEO-News for the Jilted Generation
When I started this blog, it was purely a newsblog: when Google brought a new data-center online I felt it was worth a post; if there was a Googledance it was newsworthy in any case. This has changed noticeably over the last few years. By now, there are longer posts […]...
Johannes Beus
2. November 2009
PageRank-Update 10/2009
The fourth PageRank-Update this year just so fits into October of this year. Last night, Google has, once again, pushed (at least partially) current PageRank-values onto the necessary datacenters. The cut-off-date was especially long ago this time around: it seems to be somewhere around 09/12. Seeing how the last few […]...
Johannes Beus
30. October 2009
Percentage of PDF-files within the Google-SERPs
Not long ago, I stumbled upon a keyword for which much of the Top-10 Google SERPs were PDF-files. This was rather frustrating in this case because the PC did not have PDF-reader installed and Google’s conversion is usually rather confusing. This made me curious as to the rate that PDF-files […]...
Johannes Beus
17. October 2009
SEO-regulars-table Bonn
Between the dmexco that ended a few days ago and the SES, which will be held in Berlin this year, I think that the end of October will be a fitting date to host another SEO-regulars-table in Bonn. Everyone from around here who is interested in SEO is welcome to […]...
Johannes Beus
30. September 2009
IndexWatch 05/2009
Another month has passed and here are the current IndexWatch-numbers. Just as a short reminder: these charts are based on our Visibility Index and show the winners and losers of the (organic) Google-index. As usual, we start with the winners:winners # Domain Change   1 linguee.de +1.000%   2 bizrate.de […]...
Johannes Beus
2. June 2009
SEO-regulars’ table Bonn
Most of the conventions and meets before the summer-break are through, which means its about time to hold another SEO-regulars’ table in Bonn. I picked out Thursday the 18th of June for the date. Everyone who is interested in the subject matter and who will not blatantly misbehave is welcome […]...
Johannes Beus
2. June 2009
SISTRIX Visibility Index
After having used some diagrams from the SISTRIX Visibility Index in this blog and seeing how the monthly IndexWatch is based on this information, I would like to explain a few things about this value, the idea behind it and the way it is calculated in a bid to make […]...
Johannes Beus
13. April 2009