Google-challenger: Wikisari
How often did I have to read the word Google-challenger or -conquerer over the last few years where the project behind the announcement was not even able to get a market share of one percent. The new one is Wikia, a company with a nice web2.0 sounding name belonging to […]...
Google on Duplicate-Content
Adam Lasnik wrote a few tips about the handling of duplicate content in Webmaster Centrals Googleblog. Google is recommending to avoid duplicate content on a page through a consistent directorystructure and 301-redirects when files are rearranged. For different country-versions of a homepage you should use the corresponding domains instead of […]...
Block countries through .htaccess
Sadly, for some countries, the ratio of wanted to unwanted traffic is so bad, that you decide on blocking all traffic from that specific country. To make things easier we are offering prefromatted .htaccess-files in which the IP-networks of the countries are already filled in. Naturally, these file are not […]...
Google sells Domains
Thanks to a cooperation with the registrars GoDaddy and eNorm, Google is now also selling domains. At the moment this service is limited to .com, .org, .net, .biz, .info domains and comes at a cost of 10 US-dollar a year. Included therein is the possibility to use a privacy-service which […]...
Block IP-networks through .htaccess
One question that often comes up in forums is how you can cleanly block complete IP-areas already in the webserver. Since the solutions are often not quite perfect, I put together a small tool which will take care of this. When you look through your webserver-logfiles and you want to […]...
DMoz in motion
It seems that the AOL-admins are finally done with the evaluation of the AOL-data which opens up time to deal with the DMoz-hardwareproblem. From today on all dynamic addresses from dmoz.org are being redirected to core-n02.dmoz.aol.com:30080. While dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/ is delivered statically, if you leave out the trailing-slash you get a […]...
Today I received the Web2.0-poster that I ordered from eboy. All the hyped important Companies from the new Internet are depicted on DIN A0 in Pixelart. This should also make a good Christmas present. My Google search for a frame however was a great example how advertisers can throw money […]...
… and Search Engine Watch is now known as Search Engine Land
Danny Sullivan, until now, the man behind Search Engine Watch, is ending his activities there and is now continuing to write at Search Engine Land. Besides Chris Sherman and Barry Schwartz, Search Engine Land has other well known authors from the US-market. Starting on the 11th of December, the system […]...
Most common IP-addresses of German Domains
In a way this is a product of garbage that I had from another evaluation, this list shows the IP-addresses which are used most commonly for DE-domains. For this list, we appreciated 1.646.133 DE-domains which were both reachable and had a DNS-entry for www.domain.de. Sedo has a considerable lead before […]...
Quo vadis, DMoz?
The editorservers for the project are already offline for more than a month now, since 10.20. Besides the notice that a temporary problem exists and that they are working at full speed to fix it, there has been no official response from either DMoz or their owners AOL. Sure, a […]...
Standardized Sitemaps-protocol
Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have agreed on a standardized Sitemaps-protocol. Microsoft is still taking some time while Google and Yahoo have already implemented the Sitemaps. The protocol builds upon the draft of Google Sitemaps, which means that users who already create Sitemaps for Google will only have to register them […]...
Google Custom Search Engine
I just stumbled upon the announcement for the Google Custom Search Engine. Based on Google Co-op, everyone can build his searchengine with the help of Google-technology. You can enter a list of URLs for example and let it search through all pages and subpages. If there are no hits, then […]...
Webmaster Tools: Crawl rate
For a few days now, Google is offering a crawl rate column in their Webmaster Tools. The top part of the page shows pages, kilobytes and the time that Google needs to load a page, per day. None of these data are new quite interesting to compare them to your […]...
Google purchases YouTube
Google went for it: The searchengine bought the videohoster YouTube for 1,65 Billion USD. YouTube, who only opened its doors in February of 2005, is market leader today with 40 to 50 million visitors a day. The competing Google Video trails far behind....
Cidr Hosts Netrange 32766 – 16382 – 8190 – 8190 – 8190 – 4094 – 2046 – 2046 – 2046 – 510 […]...
Searchengine-marketing Magazine: Suchradar
With suchradar (search radar), the Bloofusion Germany GmbH is offering a PDF-magazine on the topic of searchenginemarketing. The first issue has 16 pages. Besides the compiled summary of the news for the last few weeks they are emphasizing two main points with searchenginespam and clickfraud. For those outside the sector […]...
Google Open-Source-Hosting
Google started an alternative to the Open-Source-Hosting of SourceForge.net, which had been a speculation for a while. Those with a GMail-account can already sign up at code.google.com. Google is using the version-administration Subversion, the file download is not possible at this time and the Google service is also not perfect […]...
Google shows clickfraudrate in AdWords
Google unlocked a reporting for fraudulent clicks in AdWords. According to the FAQ, the customer can view the number as well as the percentage of invalid clicks that were filtered automatically. At the moment data from January 1st 2006 and onward are available....
Springer purchases Idealo
The Axel Springer AG is taking over 74,9 percent of the price-comparison-site Idealo. Founded in 2000, the service will keep on being managed by Martin Sinner and Albrecht von Sonntag. No informations are available as to the purchasing price....
Google doubles profit
Google’s net gain has nearly doubled from 342,8 million USD in April to 721,1 million USD in June. Google’s gross sales rose by 77% to 2,46 billion USD. These peaks can probably be attributed to partnerships like the one with AOL....
Kinderstart.com fails in court
Kinderstart.com, a portal, which wanted to take Google to court because Google lowered the sites PageRank to 0 has failed in court. By its own account, the searchengine for children suffered a massive decline in sales after the depreciation so they sued Google for restricting their rights of free speech […]...
WebmastersOnTheRoof, OMTalk-regulars’ table
Today and tomorrow, Munich will once again hold 2 SEO-events. Tonight WebmastersOnTheRoof, tomorrow starting at 3pm the OMTalk-regulars’ table in downtown Munich....
Google is playing the dice once again for their little green bar. A preview for this can be found at SEOChat for example and you can discuss this at OMTalk...
Yahoo introduces new advertising-platform
In a press release, Yahoo announced that they are going to replace the advertising-platform of Overture which is getting old. Thanks to new software, new media like cell phones or RSS-feeds, among other things, are supposed be reached easier and a better geographical association should be possible....
Graphical evaluation of the searchenginecrawlers
Drunkmenworkhere.org just published the evaluation of an interesting experiment. Over the timespan of one year, they put a tree of two million files online in a sub folder of the homepage. After that year is over, the author has now evaluated the crawlers conduct graphically. Even though the findings do […]...
Interview with Google Zurich
PCTipp has conducted an interview with the head of the development center in Zurich that is worth a read. The topics that were addressed ranged from the companies philosophy to their conduct in China as well as Google’s role in Switzerland, among other things....
MSN adCenter goes live in the USA
Microsoft’s AdWords-competitor adCenter has gone live in the USA after tests in Singapore and France. Great Britain shall follow next month....
German Google Maps available
As reported by ThomasB on the OmTalk-forum, Google has finally started Google Maps for Europe. The new data-material is already online at maps.google.co.uk and will make those users happy who are irritated by the competitions overburdened Java-3D-applets. It is interesting to see that there are also available data for the […]...
Google Crawl Cache
What had already been assumed for a few days has now been confirmed by Matt Cutts in his blog: lately Google is using an internal cache so they do not have to request sites multiple times for different services....
Google Desktop 3
Google finished the third version of their desktop-fulltextsearch. They are indexing PDF-, HTML- and textfiles, MS-office-documents as well as E-mails from Outlook (Express). Users have the choice to share their searchindex which makes it possible for employees to search their own databases. Download it here....
ClickFraudIndex.com is offering free public statistics and evaluations about clickfraud. Sadly they do not specifically mention how these data are gathered. Via Internetmarketing-News.de...
Google Travel?
The rumors about Google Travel are shooting back up again because at the moment, Google is looking for a Senior Account Executive, Travel Vertial in Chicago. The Times summarizes this and concludes that Google could be planning a cooperation with Orbitz....
Google crawls FTP
While taking a look at the logfiles for a FTP-server I noticed that the Googlebot (recently?) is also interested in FTP-servers and registers there: Mar 26 06:54:40 pure-ftpd: (?@crawl-66-249-65-35.googlebot.com) [INFO] Neue Verbindung von crawl-66-249-65-35.googlebot.com. Mar 26 06:54:40 pure-ftpd: (?@crawl-66-249-65-35.googlebot.com) [INFO] Anonymer Benutzer angemeldet. Mar 26 06:54:41 pure-ftpd: (ftp@crawl-66-249-65-35.googlebot.com) [INFO] Logout. […]...
AltaVista-founder passed away
Paul Flaherty, founder of the first searchengine AltaVista, has passed away at the age of 42 due to a heartattack. The searchengine AltaVista, which was developed during his time at DEC, was market leader in the early days of the Internet and was bought by Yahoo! in 2003....
AdSense for WLAN-hotspots
A patent that was submitted by a Google-employee last week shows that Google is planning to planning WLAN-access-point-attuned advertisements. In comparison to the normal AdSense-advertisements, in this case the content of the website is not the basis for the choice of advertisement but geoinformations of the access-points, user profiles or […]...
Google Finance
The Google Finance Beta is exactly what one could have expected. Seems like someone did not feel like working on interesting applications....
Blogrecommendation: Skytec Developerblog
In the blog of the Skytec AG, employees of the firm are blogging about technical possibilities and developments. Seeing how the technology-level of current SEO-trends (automatic content-production, Captchas, etc.) is rising noticeably, it makes sense to gather some informations besides the beaten track of SEO-blogs: The Skytec-blog...
Local Search by T-Info
T-Info put their own version of a local searchengine online with suchen.de. The site is based on Neomo‘s technology. We should not expect surprising features and the design is not contemporary anymore for 2006....
OMTalk regulars’-table on April 1st
The registration to the OMTalk regulars’-table on April 1st in Munich is now open. I will be there and I would be delighted to meet some blogreaders in person....
Google Calendar
The first screenshots for Google’s new online-calendar can be found over at TechCrunch. Like GMail, the application was realized in AJAX which gives is a very desktop-program-like feel. There are also features like feeds, search, SMS-notification and collective management of dates....
Searchengineoptimizer fled
Having gained publicity through his appearance on TVTotal, it seems there are news about Jerome Suckrow. The Berliner Zeitung is reporting that Mr. Suchrow had to defect to Paraguay due to promises of delivery that he was unable to keep....
Spyware through searchengines
Benjamin Edelman wrote down a few interesting discoveries on the topic of how spyware is being distributed through searchengines. According to his calculations, Google and Yahoo are making 26 million US-dollars a year with advertisement clicks for software (screensavers, etc.) that contain spyware....
Tool for the Robots.txt
Google is offering a tool though Google Sitemaps that checks the robots.txt. After reading out the file, the tool will display the allowed and restricted directories....
BMW.de and ricoh.de back in
Google has reinstated the sites of BMW and ricoh back into the index after a few days and a gigantic media-echo. Matt Cutts announced that this was due to the removal of all Java-Script-doorwaypages from the repective domains....
Canonical Addresses
Christoph Schneegans is giving some tips on how to avoid duplicate content: Canonical Addresses...
Example 2.0
After the harsh crackdown on doorwaypages at automobile.de, Google has removed bmw.de from the index. Even though it was known for a while that bmw.de was hosting a few doorwaypages with JavaScript-redirection, it seems that Google decided not to measure BMW with two different kinds of measures after this subject […]...
Web.de wants to start local searchengine
Web.de announced to start a local search for restaurants, hotels, etc. just in time for this years CeBit. The database will come from cooperations with yellow-pages (Neomo?) and their own data....
Google Numbers 2005
After the markets closed yesterday, Google published their numbers for the fourth quarter of 2005 and at the same time their annual balance. In comparison to the 3,189 billion US-dollar in 2004, Google sales volume in 2005 was a total of 6,139 billion US-dollar. This corresponds to a 90% increase. […]...
AdSense-integration for blogs
Today, Google’s AdSense-Blog is giving out tips for the integration of AdSense-advertisement in blogs. These tips are surely correct from Google’s point of view, I myself think that four to five ad-blocks in a blog are definitely too much....
Google Toolbar 4 Beta
Since yesterday, Internet Explorer users can download a betaversion of Google’s toolbar version 4. One of the most important new features is the possibility of managing bookmarks online. This way the bookmarks will be the same on every computer that the toolbar is installed on. That Google can also use […]...
AdSense payout-ratio
JenSense is reporting that the AdSense payout-ratio is supposed to be about 78,5 percent, meaning 78,5 cent per Euro of sales. Could be about right....