What data do we collect from the Amazon Marketplace

We’ve been collecting Amazon Marketplace data since 2016 but what information are we gathering?

Our main indicator is the Visibility Index that is calculated based on vendor visibility and seller (merchant) visibility in our regular keyword searches. As we perform the keyword search we also gather a lot of information on each product which includes:

  • Product name
  • Category
  • Vendor
  • Pricing
  • Products also bought
  • Bought after Viewing
  • ASIN
  • Reviews
  • Rating

By cross-referencing our data we can tell you what keywords a product will appear for and calculate a list of related keywords and expanded keywords that could be useful to help you rank a product more successfully. We also calculate the sellers that are closely related by keyword coverage.

Our Amazon Marketplace data also includes information on the relative search volumes of keywords.

How often is the data updated?

The ranking and keyword data are updated continuously. We update many frequently searched keywords daily, others less frequently searched weekly. All data is updated at least once a month.

Where did the keyword data come from?

We use different keyword sources, which we merge into one database. These include, among other things, real user data. So we make sure that the results correspond as well as possible to the reality of the search on Amazon.