3xx Redirection

The status code category 3xx Redirection is divided into eight HTTP status codes. The status code category 3xx informs the inquiring client that additional measures are required in order to finish the request, as the target has been moved to a different location, for example, and can now be accessed at this new source (URL).

The corresponding HTTP status code describes the state of the redirection.

3xx Redirection
300Multiple ChoicesThe webserver has multiple possible responses to an inquiry, since the requested resource is available in different types.
301Moved PermanentlyThe requested resource can no longer be found at URL A, because it was permanently moved to URL B and can be found there from now on. The address URL A is no longer valid. Detailed information on the 301 redirect.
302Found (Temporarily displaced)The requested resource is available on the webserver, but is temporarily not found at URL A, but through URL B. The address of URL A remains valid.
303See Other (open other storage location)The webserver informs the inquiring client that a separate GET request to another storage location has to be send to receive the desired resource.
304Not ModifiedSince the last inquiry from the client to the webserver, the resource hasn't changed and will therefore not be transmitted again.
305Use ProxyThe webserver informs the client, that the request resource is only accessible through a proxy.
306(reserved)Used to be the instruction to change the proxy. At the moment, the status code is not in use, but is reserved.
307Temporary Redirect(similar to 302/303) The requested resource is available on the webserver, but is temporarily not found at URL A, but at URL B. The address of URL A remains valid. However, the browser should follow with the same method as for the original request (that means a POST is followed by a POST). Detailed information on the 307 redirect.

The HTTP status code 301 Moved Permanently, also called 301 Redirect, is often used as part of the OnPage Optimisation of a site, in order to redirect old (no longer valid) URLs to specific (newly created) counterparts, if changes to the URL structure are introduced. This approach is also recommended by Google.

Redirects can be performed in the web server configuration (such as in the .htaccess file) via PHP code and via meta refresh HTML code.

Are redirects valid via meta refresh?

A http-equiv attribute in the header area of a page is an alternative to an HTTP response reader. In combination with the meta refresh tag, you can use it for redirects.

Meta refresh tags come in handy when you don’t have access to HTTP response headers, for example in shared hosting. However, there is a risk that they may confuse users and they are not supported by every browser. Google can process such a redirect, but advises against it due to the confusion it can give users, the processing that Google needs to do to see the redirect and the time it takes to redirect.

Steve Paine