Merry Christmas
Even though barely on time, thanks to the time difference, I would like to use this opportunity to wish everyone a merry Christmas. Take a few days off, next year will surely be exciting and challenging enough....
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
24. December 2008
PageRank-Update 11/2008
It was just yesterday, that I wrote it was about time and Google has promptly delivered the PageRank-Update. At the moment, I can get the new values on very few datacenters (for example and with a very low frequency (at times, it took up to 10 queries to get […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
29. November 2008
Lycos is closing its doors
With Lycos, we have a former Internet-heavyweight that is stepping down for good. While being the biggest European Internet-portal during the last years of the former millennium and having had success with both the searchengines Fireball and Hotbot.de, it seems that, in recent years, Lycos’ lacking adaptability proved to be […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
26. November 2008
Jerry Yang leaves Yahoo
Yang is drawing the consequences from his failed gamble in the takeover poker between Microsoft and Yahoo and is stepping down as Yahoo’s CEO. If we take a look Yahoo’s stock market price, take into consideration that right now Yahoo is laying off 10% of their employees and keep in […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
18. November 2008
SISTRIX toolbox
These have been the promised module presentations. In the comments I have already suggested that the access to those modules can not be free of charge: more than 100 GB RAM, multiple terabyte performance harddrive capacities, a great deal of bandwidth and a whole box of CPUs sadly do not […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
21. October 2008
Distribution of Google Analytics/ AdSense
A posting on Seo-Scene.de led me to an article by Mario Fischer about Google Analytics and privacy. In essence its about the possibility that Google, by merging data, could assign IP-addresses to individuals. In itself this is an interesting discussion but I do not want to go into details. This […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
2. August 2008
Google knows more than pages
It has been a while since Google and Yahoo had their regular dickcomparisons over index size. At a certain point, it seems, Google decided this was beneath them and they deleted the counter which was on display, on the front page, until then. After this it was anyones guess how […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
25. July 2008
Revisited: Google assesses only the first linktext
A few weeks ago I wrote about how Google only assesses the first linktext if there are more than one link to a second site within a page. Back then I received a series of special cases by comments and email. Now I have taken these cases and tried them […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
7. July 2008
The Googlebot gets a breather
While the Googlebot has taken new sites into the index rather quickly over the last few month, it has diminished its ambition over the past week. This is especially apparent in newssites and blogs. While new postings and news could be found within hours or even minutes a short while […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
5. July 2008
Microsoft buys Powerset
After the takeover rumor gained momentum over the last few days it is now official: Microsoft is purchasing the searchengine-startup Powerset. Powerset has taken up the cause of revolutionizing the internet-search with the help of semantics, which also led me to write a post about them last year. While a […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
1. July 2008
IndexWatch 06/2008
The month is over already, time to take a look at last month’s Googleindex winners and losers: Winners The month is over already, time to take a look at last month’s Googleindex winners and losers:Winners # Domain Change 1 zebra.lt +18.196,70% 2 twenga.de +3.039,05% 3 staedte-info.net +1.964,82% 4 shopzilla.de +1.862,87% […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
1. July 2008
Interview with Idealo’s Martin Sinner
I was able to ask Martin Sinner from the price-comparison site Idealo a few questions centering arround SEO and the price-comparison market in the run-up to the Search Engine Stragegies in Hamburg. SISTRIX: Hallo Martin, if you could please, for all those who do not know you, give us a […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
2. June 2008
IndexWatch 04/2008
A few month ago I blogged a chart containing the domains that our data showed were the most visible in the German Googleindex. In the comments to that entry and in e-mails that I received afterwards I was asked to repeat this in regular intervals. Feeding on the fact that […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
2. May 2008
A contribution in the Google-Webmaster-Groups has occasioned me to again ponder how dangerous an extremely one sided focus on sources of income can be. In this case a webmaster counted on the revenue from Google AdSense and expanded and hired new employees. The web-catalog in question fell in Google’s favor […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
30. April 2008
Google PageRank update 04/2008
It seems as though Google is updating the PageRank-display of the Google-Toolbar. On data-center I can see a few definitely new PageRank-values. Those interested in taking a look for themselves can use our PageRank-query. Google seems to shorten the intervals between the updates again, this is already the third […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
29. April 2008
SEO-regulars-table Bonn
Since the first regulars’ table in Bonn has proven to be quite popular and some attendees, including myself, are interested in a regular gathering on the topic of SEO in Bonn, I would like to take up the ordering of a table extensive organization for the second regulars-table again. Again […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
26. March 2008
Google PageRank Update 02/2008
I am currently seeing new PageRank-values on the servers from the net of 72.14.255.*. Surprisingly quick after the last update of the official values on January 10th it now seems to be time again. You can take a look at the new values at our PageRank-Query, for example....
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
26. February 2008
Abakus PubCon & SEMSEO 2008
Alan is opening the doors to the yearly SEO-classreunion, the by-now-legendary PubCon in Hannover on April 24th. Just like last year there will be an additional conference during the day with the name of SEMSEO which will be about both of those topics. With the help of Thomas Promny of […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
17. February 2008
popular SEO-fallacies
These small know-it-all-booklets with party-lore about the most popular fallacies are time and time again found on magazins bestsellerlists. Below are a few of the most popular fallacies in the SEO-world. This should hopefully prepare you well for the upcomming eventseason: New pages have to be registered with searchengines Meta-keywords […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
23. January 2008
Google PageRank Update 01/2008
While Google made us wait ages for the last update, it seems that yesterday night, after only 78 days, new and updated values were put online in the affiliated stations toolbarpagerankdelivering datacenters. Cut off date for the calculations was shortly before Christmas eve, maybe one or two of you will […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
12. January 2008