Technical SEO

Technical SEO is defined as SEO that is done, mostly, outside the content management system and can include site architecture, server and domain configurations, caching, pre-fetching, reverse proxy, and meta-tag configurations. Some topics are advanced and most topics will require access to the web software stack or domain configuration.

SEO can be split into a number of categories, which roughly translate to skill areas and skill levels.

  • SEO Basics – Things to know before you get started on an SEO project
  • Technical SEO – Setting up the web environment including domains, hosting, content management systems, web software and more advanced topics such as caching and sitemaps, for which there might be easy ‘plug-in’ solutions. See the list below.
  • On-page SEO – Content targeting, meta information, quality, formatting and titling that can help Google and customers to understand the topic more easily
  • Off-page SEO – Outreach and publishing activities that can influence the way other websites link to your content
  • Advanced SEO – Topics for which an advanced skill level is required. JavaScript handling, CDNs, cloaking and edge-SEO
  • Google algorithms, guidelines and crawling information – ongoing information needed to understand where Google is taking SEO
  • Measuring SEO with performance indicators
  • SEO strategy – Checklists and ideas about how to run, monitor and measure SEO activities for different types of businesses.

Technical SEO – What is it and what skill level is needed?

Technical SEO skills are needed throughout the life of a website. After learning the basics, an understanding of the technical aspects will allow you to manage and measure a service provider, freelancer or agency that may carry out the work. A detailed understanding of the technical aspects will allow you to set everything up on your own.

Technical SEO checklist

Here’s a list of the topics, linked to our content guides, that fall within the area of technical SEO. Some of these can also be regarded as off-page SEO activities and some are advanced topics.