Methods and strategies for more website visitors

Do you want to drive more traffic to your website? You can achieve this with numerous paid and free methods. Here’s an easy-to-understand overview.

Many website owners ask themselves how they can generate more traffic to their homepage, blog, online store etc. In answer to this question, there are numerous solutions that lead to success.

A universal solution does not exist. A lot depends on your starting position and your industry. You have to develop strategies and always adapt them to the current circumstances.

This is certainly not easy, and it also requires a lot of work. But it is an effort that is ultimately worthwhile for you, your company and your brand.

How can I measure website traffic?

First, you need an overview of your current traffic, which can be measured with appropriate tools. Using these tools, you can find out which pages your visitors look at for longer, which links they click on and which pages attract fewer visitors.

With these tools, you can analyse your own traffic over a longer period of time. Insights into competitor sites and their visitor numbers are also available to you.

They also show you whether visitors found you via a search engine, referral links, online advertising or social media. Analysis of app downloads and usage is also helpful.

Ultimately, you’ll use these tools to find out which marketing efforts are most successful. You can also find out which subpages and articles are popular and which have a high bounce rate. Based on this data, you can develop targeted strategies to increase traffic.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a popular, free tool. It is easy to implement and helps you track the developments on your website. All you have to do is register or create an account and integrate the tracking code you have created onto your website. Furthermore, for privacy reasons, you should indicate on your website that you use Google Analytics

How to generate traffic?

Based on this initial analysis, there are several ways to increase your reach and traffic. You can choose from many free and some paid options.  

How do I get visitors for free?

The free methods for driving visitors to your website need planning, work and time to be effective. Above all, you should use multiple methods

Content Marketing

Regardless of whether you’re just building your website or optimising a long-standing business website, content marketing is always a great way to attract more website visitors with quality content.

Write industry-relevant blog articles

Write articles for your company blog that fit your industry. They should offer your visitors added value or an additional free service. This can be important information, interviews, instructions and much more.

Ask yourself what your target audience is looking for. For example, enter a question relevant to the industry or topic in the Google search field. The search engine will provide you with numerous suggestions that you can use for orientation.   

You don’t have to use the latest news for this. Quite the opposite: with high-quality evergreen content, you can generate higher visitor numbers for a long time.

You can also update old articles. Add sections to text, images, videos and new links. Optimise posts for the search engine and make them more readable for a fresh audience.  

List articles

Publish articles with headlines that include numbers, i.e. listings or list posts with industry-related tips and tricks. For example: 

9 ways to get more website visitors

Readers know right away what to expect. They can make sure they are provided with helpful and actionable information they can apply to their purposes.

Regular publishing cycle

It’s also important to publish your content regularly. This is how you keep your audience engaged with your website. You’ll establish yourself as a trusted expert, always providing valuable information for your website visitors. It’s best to create an editorial schedule in which you set dates for the respective publications.  

Publish on other channels

To develop a new audience, you should try channels beyond your website. For example, create your own channel on YouTube. Offer older content in a new form or produce completely new content. Don’t forget to link to your website.

Podcasts have also become a popular content marketing tool. Create a concept and invite one or more people to talk to you about important developments in your sector. Link to your website or significant subpages in the episode description (the show notes).    

However, don’t underestimate the effort involved. Both YouTube and podcasts require a lot of work and time in terms of preparation and follow-up. You can’t just talk into a camera or microphone and then publish everything.

Podcasts in particular always have a spontaneous character. Nevertheless, plan your topics carefully. This is the only way to avoid losing the thread, digressing and boring your audience. In addition, familiarise yourself with video and sound editing. Long pauses in speech, filler words and stuttering during the conversation can be removed with these tools.

Collaborate with influencers and experts

Find influencers who are dedicated to the same or related topics. Craft content or offer test products that might be of interest to them and ask to collaborate. 

Connect with experts in your industry. Ask if you can use quotes from them for your own expert roundup article on your company blog. With any luck, these specialists will link to your post and share it within their community.

Write guest posts for other sites and blogs. But also publish guest articles from experts on your own site.

Email marketing

Email marketing is another way to reach your audience. However, you need a list of subscribers. Use software that allows you to design email newsletters in an appealing way.  

Convince your target audience to sign up for subscriber lists. In return, offer them a free service or content in the form of e-books, courses, webinars, form templates, etc. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is essential if you want to promote your content and generate traffic. However, don’t occupy as many platforms as possible. Especially as a small business or solo self-employed person without social media support, this can quickly overwhelm you.

Instead, focus on a few channels that seem to make sense for your business and industry. Find out how they work, how users communicate and interact, and what they would like to see.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are significant places to start. Outside of these platforms, look for platforms where your niche or specialisation has particular appeal. Again, set up a publishing schedule and post content regularly when your target audience is most receptive to it.  

Link to appropriate subpages and put a link in your bio that leads to your main page. You should also integrate social media buttons on your website. These make it easier for your website visitors to share your content on their own channels

Search engine optimisation

High quality and interesting content that will keep your website visitors engaged for a long time is an important part of any SEO strategy. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to research keywords or long-tail keywords that are often searched for in relation to your line of business. Build these into your headlines, text, and various metadata in an organic way. 

What is SEO?

Technical SEO details

In addition to these content improvements, optimise the loading speed of your website. This way, website visitors won’t give up in frustration and bounce back if the page takes too long to load. 

A responsive web design should also be in place. It ensures that mobile devices also display your website properly. 

Backlinks and internal linking

Try to get backlinks from other sites. These types of recommendations don’t hold as much importance as they used to, but they still contribute to a better ranking.

Examine the links on your own site. Determine if they are still up to date and do not lead to the wrong pages or pages that have been removed. Improve the navigation of your homepage by integrating a meaningful internal link structure.

Paid Traffic: Can I buy visitors?

You can also help to reach your target audience in several ways using paid channels and generate so-called paid traffic. These include:

  • Advertising banners on other websites
  • Ads on SERPs
  • Video advertising
  • Sponsored posts

Paid traffic increases your reach and builds up traffic faster. However, you still have to invest time and effort. This is the only way to find out what resonates with your target group and not to invest aimlessly in sponsored posts that have no effect. Develop a marketing and content strategy for these purposes as well.   

Payment methods include pay-per-click, pay-per-view, and pay-per-action. With these payment models, you only incur costs when your target audience responds to your ads with a specific action.  

We have written a guide to help you to understand the difference between paid (PPC, for example) and SEO methodologies.