Hitched – Zoe Burke on Content Strategy (Video)

Hitched was identified as a Visibility Leader in the 2022 retail content analysis. The content for wedding speaches has achieved recognition by Google with its strong ranking distribution. Zoe Burke is the editor at Hitched and she answered questions on the team, the process and the history of this leading content hub.

Zoe Burke – Editor, Hitched

Many thanks to Zoe for the useful information. In the interview with Steve Paine (SISTRIX) the following topics are covered:

Hitched, history and overview. Zoe’s role.

Hitched is over 25 years old. Older than Google! Zoe has been with connected with Hitched for 10 years.

SISTRIX data on the winning directory.

The /wedding-speeches content is the leading small-content hub in the information category Visibility Leaders report, Retail 2022. Over 62.4% of the keywords rank on page 1 of the search results. They generate a potential 30.9K clicks per month.

Zoe talks about the wedding speeches content.

Hitched started 25 years ago by providing a space where people could update wedding speeches. A large proportion of visitors are male.

What other content does Hitched produce?

Hitched has grown beyond wedding speeches and now covers “everything”, says Zoe. There’s an app, forums and a registry of event locations and suppliers.

Does the content go outside the organic channel?

Content is considered and repurposed for social and other channels if relevant.

The content team: How is it organised in terms of in-house and freelance work?

The in-house team now numbers 10 and freelancers are involved for content and PR outreach.

How do you find new content topics?

There’s a two-year life-span of users on the site as they think, plan and celebrate their weddings but new content ideas are surfaced through social media, with Pinterest being an important channel. Eyes are also focused on what happens in the US market.

What SEO topics are in your mind for 2023?

Zoe reveals her focus for 2023 which will test more organically sourced human content rather than content that is guided by checklists.