Amazon Keyword Monitoring: How to Monitor Keywords and Rankings

Merchants on Amazon need to ensure that their products remain visible and relevant to potential customers. This means keeping an eye on keyword rankings, and not just one’s own rankings. It is also important to keep track of how competitors’ products are ranking. In this way, merchants can help maximise their sales, as this article will illustrate.

Keyword optimisation on Amazon 

The visibility of your products in Amazon search results is critical to your success. You will generate more sales opportunities if you can make it easier for customers to find your items.

However, Amazon users usually do not search for specific brands, and there are very few searches for relatively unknown brands. They tend to use terms that describe the product for which they are searching. 

It is important, therefore, to ensure that Amazon displays your product when users search for certain related keywords. You can do this by using keywords in the following areas:

  • Product title
  • Product details & product description
  • In the Amazon Seller Central backend

Why is keyword monitoring necessary on Amazon? 

Once you have optimised these parts of your product pages with keywords that have high search volume, you need to monitor your keyword rankings and the effects on your sales.  

There may be certain keywords that have no positive effect on your sales. and fail to generate traffic to your product page. 

The search volume for keywords also changes over time. It is therefore necessary to constantly monitor your keyword performance. If certain of your keyword strategies are failing to produce sales, you need to identify new keywords and try them out.

If the search volume of certain keywords changes, you must react quickly and decisively. 

Keyword tracking helps you sell products that are new to the market, as well as products that you have been selling on the Amazon marketplace for a long time. It can therefore help you to achieve lasting success for your entire inventory. 

Using Amazon Keyword Tracking Tools

You will need to optimise for a number of different keywords in order to achieve comprehensive keyword optimisation on Amazon. Keeping track of all of them, however, is not an easy task. There are a range of tools that can support you in tracking multiple keywords, and they also offer sellers the following advantages: 

  • They tell you whether Amazon displays your product when customers search for a certain term 
  • They show both the search results page and the position of your product on that page. You’ll be able to track how optimising for certain keywords has affected your rankings and adjust your optimisations accordingly. 
  • Historical keyword data can help you identify trends and changes 
  • You can analyse the keyword performance of your competitors and use this information to your advantage. Use keywords that have proven successful for your competition, and add terms that they don’t use to your keywords. 
  • Many tools allow you to enter your competitor’s Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) to identify their high-traffic keywords. You will receive corresponding keyword suggestions that you can then add to your product pages. 

Note: Amazon and Google search algorithms are different. Google users search for general information on specific topics, while Amazon users search for specific products with a purchase intention.

Steve Paine