In the overview page of the Link Module you’ll find all the most important link KPIs for every domain you want. The data can be exported, shared or added to a dashboard or a report.

Referring Domains
This value shows you the amount of unique domains which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (domain-popularity resp. domain-pop).
A link-evaluation should therefore not just use a lot of data but this data should be relevant, just as Google would evaluate them. For this reason we went ahead and set new standards with our link-crawler. Based on all the data for each domain, we will intelligently steer our link-crawler through the domain, in a way to best simulate the Googlebot.
This is what we call Googlebot SimTech. Using this advanced technology, we crawl more than 500.000 pages per minute or 10 billion pages per month. This results in us updating the data for more than 100 billion links per month, which also enables us to delete links that ceased to exist, in a timely manner.
- updated periodically (monthly)
- the change shown is the difference from the current week to the last, in percent
Link Profile
These values show performance indicators for the external link-profile. For this, our SISTRIX link-crawler crawls the web and analyses more than 100 billion pages each month.
- Updates: Periodically (monthly)
- Backlinks: This value shows how many links (backlinks) to the domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) you are evaluating were found by our link-crawler on external domains.
- Hostnames: Amount of unique hosts (subdomains) which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (host-popularity resp. host-pop)
- IPs: Amount of unique IP-addresses which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (domain-popularity resp. domain-pop) – (IP-popularity resp. IP-pop)
- Networks: Amount of unique class-c networks which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (net-popularity resp. net-pop)
Here we will show you which top level domains (TLDs) send the most links to the domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) you are evaluating.
These values show which countries link the most to the domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) you are evaluating.
Visibility Index-Distribution for the Linking Hosts
This graph shows you how the Visibility Index score is distributed among the linking hostnames.
Links from websites with a high Visibility Index score can be extremely valuable, while it is also important – for an organic link-profile – to have a large number of backlinks from domains with a small Visibility Index-value, as these sites are much more common.
Top-Referring Domains
This list shows you a domain-cloud consisting of the domains that link the most to the domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) you are evaluating.
This list enables you to get a quick overview, for example, if the domain is being linked to by reputable and trustworthy domains or if there are a lot of article-directories and linktrading-programmes in the mix. You can get an extensive list by clicking on “Referring Domains” in the left navigation, under “Links”.
Deeplink- and Nofollow-Ratio
Here we show you the relationship between backlinks that point to the homepage and those that link to deeper pages.
A large amount of deeplinks can be seen as a signal that this domain also has high quality content deep within the domain structure and not just a shiny homepage.
This is the ratio of backlinks with the rel=”nofollow” attribute and those without.
Top Anchor Texts
This table shows the most commonly used anchor texts for the links.
Entries with “Empty” are links which do not have an anchor text. This can happen when pictures without a title-attribute are used as the link-anchor.
Domains that got caught up in Google’s Penguin Update will often have a large amount of money-keywords as anchor texts.
- Percent (dif. IPs): Percent of a specific IP found for the domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations)
- Links: Amount of links of the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations)
- Hosts: Amount of unique hosts (subdomains) which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (host-popularity resp. host-pop)
- Domains: Amount of unique domains which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (domain-popularity resp. domain-pop)
- IPs: Amount of unique IP-addresses which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (domain-popularity resp. domain-pop) – (IP-popularity bzw. IP-pop)
- Networks: Amount of unique class-c networks which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (net-popularity resp. net-pop)
Host Trends
This graph shows you the number of lost and won linking hosts on a monthly basis. Hover the mouse over the bars to see the exact values and click them to reach the corresponding table.
Top Linked Pages
This table shows you the URLs with the most inbound links on the domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations).
This information is especially important for competition-evaluations to identify content that receives numerous links.
- Linktarget: Linked URL
- Links: Amount of links of the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations)
- Hosts: Amount of unique hosts (subdomains) which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (host-popularity resp. host-pop)
- Domains: Amount of unique domains which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (domain-popularity resp. domain-pop)
- IPs: Amount of unique IP-addresses which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (domain-popularity resp. domain-pop) – (IP-popularity bzw. IP-pop)
- Networks: Amount of unique class-c networks which link to the evaluated domain (respective the host, directory or URL for detailed-evaluations) – (net-popularity resp. net-pop)
Click on the “+” icon near the URL to get more detailed information about its backlinks.
This map shows you the countries from which the inbound links originate.
You can use the zoom function or move the map with the mouse to see more Countries.
Top Level Domains
This graph shows you how many inbound links come from which top level domains (TLDs).