Brands – Overview

When you search for an Amazon brand in the Toolbox, you’ll land on its overview page, which shows you all the most important information. Here you can analyse how visible the brand is on the Amazon search pages and how its visibility has developed in the past.

Brand Visibility Index

The brand Visibility Index is an indicator to measure the visibility of a brand in the Amazon search result pages. It is based on all the rankings of the brand for a representative keyword set specified by SISTRIX. The rankings are weighted according to the search volume and position of every keyword and then summed up into the Visibility Index

In total, one million visibility points are distributed among all Amazon brands every day.

The organic Visibility Index is shown at the top of the box. It is based on organic Amazon search rankings. Slightly smaller, at the bottom of this box, is the sponsored Visibility Index. It is based on the paid results within the Amazon SERPs.

  • Updated daily
  • Change from previous week in percent

Customer Reviews

  • Customer reviews: The number of all reviews given for products from the current inventory of this brand.
  • ∅ Rating: The average rating of all reviews given for products from the current inventory of this brand.
  • ∅ Customer reviews per day: The average number of reviews each day since the brand was first recorded for its products.


Here you can find the total number of sellers which offer products form this brand. The first row shows you the number of different sellers that we found. The following rows indicate the two most successful sellers and the number of products of this brand that they are offering.

The data-set is regularly updated and is based on the selected Amazon Country Index.


Here you can analyse the keywords used to find the products of this brand in the Amazon search. For every Country index we regularly monitor many millions of queries/keywords.

  • Keywords: Total number of keywords found for all products.
  • Top-3 Keywords: Number of keywords with a Top-3 ranking.
  • Ø Position: Average ranking position of the brand for all the keywords found.

The data-set is regularly updated and is based on the selected Amazon Country Index.

Brand Overview

In this box you can find a summary of all the most important information for the products and rankings for this brand.

  • New products (12 months): Number of new products from this brand which have been added in the last 12 months, according to the date of the first listing on the product page.
  • Amount of parents/ variants: Number of products from this brand which are offered alone or are related to other product variants.

For the brand rankings, we sort all the brands we measure on the corresponding Amazon country platform, ordering them in descending order according to their brand Visibility Index. The number in this box is then the ranking position of this brand: The lower the number, the better the ranking in this leader-board.

  • Seller Ranking (organic): Position in the leaderboards of all brands for organic results in the Amazon search.
  • Seller Ranking (sponsored): Position in the leaderboards of all brands for paid/sponsored results in the Amazon search.
  • Seller Ranking (combined): Position in the leaderboards of all brands for organic and paid/sponsored results in the Amazon search.

Available in: shows if this brand is available on other Amazon Marketplaces that we measure.


This evaluation shows you the categories of this brand’s products. This helps you to quickly understand if a brand focuses on specific topics and categories, or whether it tries to offer a wide range of products from different categories.

This analysis is based on all products that we found for this brand.

Brand Visibility Index (organic)

The brand Visibility Index is an indicator to measure the visibility of a brand in the Amazon search result pages. It is based on all the rankings of the brand for a representative keyword set specified by SISTRIX. The rankings are weighted according to the search volume and position of every keyword and then summed up into the Visibility Index points value.

In total, one million visibility points are distributed among all Amazon brands every day.

The chart shows the organic brand Visibility Index, which is based on organic rankings in Amazon search. Under the menu item “Visibility Index” you can also view the history for the sponsored and the combined brand Visibility Index.

Top products by Visibility Index

In this table you can see up to 20 products of the brand with the highest visibility. These are the products that have the highest percentage of the brand’s visibility index.

Interesting Products

In this table you can see an excerpt of the brand’s most interesting products. Products that generate a lot of sales as well as good and high numbers of reviews are highlighted here.