Sellers – Competitors, Brands & Categories

The sections “Competitors”, “Brands” and “Categories” will help you get a better overview of the seller. Use this data to reveal top-competitors, the brands that it sells along with their price ranges, and the Amazon categories under which they are placed.


A seller is considered a competitor as soon as it offers at least one product that is also offered by the selected seller. Consequently, the top competitors are the sellers with the most products from the selected seller’s range.


Top Brands Buybox

Here we show you the price distribution (Buybox prices) of the Top-7 brands offered by the seller. The price ranges we use are:

  • 0 – 10 €¹,
  • 10,01 – 25 €¹,
  • 25,01 – 50 €¹,
  • 50,01 – 100 €¹,
  • 100,01 – 250 €¹.

¹: In the UK we use the same ranges, but in £.

Brands overall

In this table we show the brands offered by the seller, displayed according to the frequency of the seller’s offers.

Categories of a Seller

Here you can see in which Amazon categories (maximum 10) the sellers products are offered. The standard view shows you the main categories. At the top, in the white bar, you can also switch to the sub-categories in order to get into the product range of a seller in more detail.