This section allows you to get a detailed overview about a keyword in Amazon, such as its rankings, keyword ideas and environment. This is particularly useful for planning and creating new content for your Amazon products.

After typing in your keyword, you’ll reach the keyword overview section. Here you can find a summary of all the relevant information and values related to the keyword.
In the overview you’ll get all the most important information at a glance. Use the navigation menu on the left to deepen the keyword analysis by selecting the section you need. The first row in the Keyword Overview page shows you more information about the different sections in four boxes.
Search Volume
Number of monthly search queries for this keyword on Amazon for the chosen Country. The Toolbox shows the average monthly traffic (over 12 months) in order to exclude any seasonal influence.
Just below the search volume you’ll see the search volume average of the last four weeks.
We also show the monthly trend data from January until December. This allows you to quickly find out whether there are strong trends in specific parts of the year or whether the demand stays relatively constant.
Keyword Profile
In this box you’ll find three useful values related to the keyword you are analysing: the competition level for the keyword in the organic Amazon Index using a number between 0 and 100. The higher this level, the bigger the effort needed to organically rank for the keyword.
Following that, the average star rating and the average price of the products.
Top Products
This box shows the top-3 most successful products in this topic on Amazon, with preview and ASIN. Like other analyses, these values do not relate to the keyword entered, but to the entire keyword cluster, including all keyword extensions and long-tail variants.
Click on the products to land on their overview page inside the “Products” section.
Successful Brands
Similar to the top products, you can see at-a-glance which brands in the examined keyword cluster offer the most successful products in the Amazon search result pages.
Similar Keywords
The similar keywords contain the same keyword component of the start keyword. Thanks to this feature you can find and sort Longtail Keywords. For example, if your start keyword is “robot lawnmower“, the feature will suggest “robotic lawnmower” or “automatic lawnmower robot“, and many other alternatives.
Search Suggestions
This suggestions list shows you all Amazon Suggestions that match the search you entered. The suggestions are sorted by search volume, competition level and the best ranking in the corresponding suggestion list. For the start keyword “robot lawnmower” you’ll get as suggestions “robot lawnmower connectors” or “tractor cover for robot lawnmower“. This will let you easily extend the keyword set for your keyword research with useful synonyms and related terms.
Word Frequency
In this box we’ll show you the words which are most frequently used in combination with the searched keyword. For the start keyword “robot lawnmower” you’ll get, for example, “robotic”, “bosch” and “wire”. Near each word you’ll see its level of frequency.
Search Results
Here you will find the Top Amazon search results that our crawler was last given.
Each row starts with the ranking position, followed by the ASIN, the name of the product and its brand. The last column indicates whether the product has been sponsored or if its rankings are organic.
Clicking on the ASIN at the beginning of the row will open the overview page for that product.
Keyword Ideas
In this table we show all the keywords found for the query that you entered. The list shows you the following values:
- Keyword
- Search volume of the keyword (approximate number of searches per month)
- Competition level of the keyword (scale representing the number of products that are related to this keyword)
- Date that we last analysed the keyword
This suggestions list shows you all Amazon Suggestions that match the search you entered. The suggestions are sorted by search volume, competition level and the best ranking in the corresponding suggestion list.
Keyword Environment
The feature called Keyword Environment suggests additional products, sellers, brands and categories which have a correlation with the keyword cluster of the initial keyword, on Amazon. For each of them you’ll get additional information about its ratings, visibility index, ASIN, and many other elements.