New SISTRIX Features Ready for Your 2023 (with lots more to come!)
2023 sees the 15th anniversary of the SISTRIX Visibility Index. Improvement has been fast, focused and continuous, and that won’t stop in 2023. Here’s a summary of the major upgrades to the data and tools over the last 12 months. All of these change follow our focus on data and […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
30. December 2022
December Link Spam Update: Generally Quiet, Clear Candidates
A link spam update was rolled-out in July 2021 and now the second has been announced. The update overlaps with the current helpful content update which makes it difficult to attribute to domains that are falling. However, there are already some candidates that can be seen....
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
19. December 2022
Top Domains and Content for Fitness Trackers
This month SectorWatch is looking to work up a sweat as we take a look at who is winning the search market for fitness trackers and apps. We’ll show you the most visible domains in the UK and examples of some of the best-performing content. Which websites are helping us find […]...
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
13. December 2022
December Helpful Content Update also Rolling Out Worldwide
The Helpful Content Update that rolled out in August of this year was aimed exclusively at English-language content. With the latest iteration of the new algorithm, content in all languages ​​will be re-evaluated, for the first time....
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
7. December 2022
SISTRIX Christmas Fundraiser 2022: You Click, We Donate
Christmas is also a festival of traditions. That’s why our Christmas big wheel turns again this year . Our goal: 10,000 euros of funding for the women’s rights organization Terre des Femmes eV....
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
5. December 2022
Google Suing Agencies Posing as Google
SEO agencies and service providers who use Google’s identity to try and sell their services more easily have always been a problem for Google. Google is now, however, taking legal action against it. In the US, Google this week filed lawsuits against a number of supposedly related companies that, according to the complaint , are […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
1. December 2022
Googlebot Crawler using Local-Country IP Addresses
The official Googlebot has previously only used IP addresses assigned to the USA. Now things seem to be changing and Google is working on the ability to crawl with local country IP addresses that are not from the USA. Gary Illyes, Google’s webmaster liaison, said at the Google Search Central Live […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
28. November 2022
Voice Search: Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant facing cuts
After years of strong growth, tech giants Google and Amazon are now giving focus to cost reductions. According to media reports, the departments for voice assistants in both companies are facing layoffs and budget cuts. At Amazon, Alexa is said to be responsible for around 10 billion annual losses . All attempts to […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
22. November 2022
SISTRIX Onpage Crawler Isolates Rendering Sessions Perfectly
Web crawlers such as the Googlebot, but also our SISTRIX onpage crawler, have developed significantly in recent years. Whereas in the past only HTML was evaluated, now it is full browsers that run Javascript and other resources. It is important here that individual data present in a rendering process cannot […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
16. November 2022
Content Marketing Case Study – William Russell Insurance
Blogs don’t work. Really? Here’s an interesting example of a ‘blog’ that is working, thanks to a plan and some structure. William Russell used data-driven SEO insights from SISTRIX to build a content strategy for long-term, sustainable traffic and higher Google rankings. In this post we take a look at […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
10. November 2022
Tracking Failed Content Projects, with Real-Time SEO Data
Did the Core Update affect my domain? How’s my domain move working? Did I get a manual penalty on my AI content site? Having a live, up-to-date view of rankings, rather than a synthetic traffic prediction, helps identify success and failure. Here are some examples of content ‘projects’ that have […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
9. November 2022
IndexWatch Q3 2022: UK Visibility Winners & Losers 🇬🇧
It’s been quite the rollercoaster for SEOs during the last quarter. Every single month we’ve experienced at least one algorithm update. Who knew Google would roll out so many updates in such quick succession?! In this IndexWatch, we list 1,000 winners and losers, and analyse some of the domains that […]...
Luce Rawlings
Luce Rawlings
27. October 2022
Top Domains and Content for Coats
This month SectorWatch will keep you warm and toasty as we investigate who is winning the search market for coats and winter jackets. We’ll show you the most successful domains & examples of the best-performing content – who is keeping us looking sharp as the weather turns colder?...
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
26. October 2022
New Snippet Layout: Site Names in a Prominent Position
Google has announced that it will change the layout of search hits in the results lists. Now, the site name has its own place above the URL. Here is a comparison of the old and new layout: The example above is in German but the new layout can also be […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
20. October 2022
Google Search On 2022: Fewer organic results, more organic content
Once a year, Google presents current search projects at the Search On event and gives us an insight into the future of Google search. Yesterday, the time had come again. These are my three most important insights: Multisearch: With the name Multisearch, Google plans to make the leap from entering […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
29. September 2022
September 2022 Google Updates – Data and Trends
With the knowledge that there were two Google updates overlapping in English-language search results, we take an extended-timeframe look at the effects of the September 2022 Product Reviews Update and The Core Update that preceded it....
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
23. September 2022
Google Core Update September 2022. Analysis, Winners and Losers
Directly after completion of the Helpful Content Update, Google is now rolling out the next Core Update – an algorith update that has been whipping-up the SERPs for a few days now. Here are some details, including our latest data....
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
19. September 2022
Helpful Content Update: Google’s Message has the Biggest Impact
It made a strong start, then took a nosedive; the first Helpful Content Update did not fulfil the expectations of the SEO community. The following article, from two industry experts, includes observations and a conclusion that we can all learn from....
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
14. September 2022
Helpful Content Update Trends
It’s over 2 weeks since the Helpful Content Update started rolling out and while we can’t call this a big update in absolute terms, there is a trend that has emerged among some sites. The trend starts after the 1st Sept and the sites affected are clearly not offering unique, […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
9. September 2022
Helpful Content Update: no relevant changes after the first week
A week ago today, Google started to officially roll out the extensively announced Helpful Content Update. As a reminder: with these new types of updates, Google wants to target content created purely for the search engine. After one week of roll-out we can see that the update has not (yet) […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
31. August 2022
The Top Domains and Content for Barbecues
This month SectorWatch is heading for the garden to fire up the grill as we find out who is winning the market for searches for barbecues. We’re looking to find the most successful domains & the best-performing content – who does Google think is serving up the tastiest fare?...
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
30. August 2022
New Features Overview, Aug 2022
These are the major new features that we have added to the Toolbox in recent months, in video and text form. First, the video, and below that, the quick descriptions and links to further information. SERPs screenshots – 40 countries View recent SERP screenshots as they were captured by our […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
25. August 2022
Google announces Helpful Content Update
A new type of Google update will be rolled out for the first time next week: the Helpful Content Update. Contrary to the name however, Google does not aim to improve the rankings of helpful content rankings, but punish bad content in a targeted manner. Update: The roll-out started on 25th […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
19. August 2022
Google improves featured snippets (and could make websites redundant as a source)
Featured snippets , i.e. a highlighted search result at the beginning of the SERP, are a guarantee for a high level of attention and click-through-rate in the search results. Google has announced changes. Google will now use its current AI model – “Multitask Unified Model (MUM)” – to check featured snippets that are displayed […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
16. August 2022
Quality Rater Guidelines Update: More Focus on Quality
Refinements in the definitions of quality, E.A.T and YMYL, a new overview document and indications that Google will detect “shocking or exaggerated titles.”...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
29. July 2022
Google: “There is no objectively correct way to count links”
Links continue to be an important part of Google rankings, as Google sees them as external confirmation and recommendation of the linked page. So, it’s no wonder that link counting has always been high on SEO’s agenda. However, Google’s John Mueller has now confirmed again that there is no correct […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
28. July 2022
Google’s Quarterly Figures: Search solid, YouTube disappoints
Google’s latest quarterly figures show concisely that after the Corona tailwind of recent years, turbulent times now lie ahead for the online advertising market. While search revenues increased by 14%, YouTube recorded growth of only 5%. YouTube suffers both from the fact that advertising there takes place further up the […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
28. July 2022
Top Domains and Content for Ebikes
It’s time to get back in the saddle & start peddling (though not too hard) as this month SectorWatch takes a look at who is winning the search market for electric bikes. What can we learn from studying the most successful sites & the best-performing content in this growing transport […]...
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
21. July 2022
IndexWatch Q2 2022: UK Search Visibility Winners 🇬🇧
Following a quiet first quarter in the organic search world, Google’s May 2022 Core Update certainly provided some much-anticipated spice to the SERP. Some websites saw their visibility reach all-time highs whilst others experienced spectacular losses. This round-up looks at ranking uplifts and downturns across the Google UK search landscape […]...
Luce Rawlings
Luce Rawlings
19. July 2022
20 years of sistrix.com
Time travel to the year 2002 when the first Euro coins and bills were put into circulation and there were still 5 years to go until the first iPhone. Within this environment, exactly 20 years ago in 2002, I registered the domain sistrix.com. Even then, small SEO tools existed on […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
13. July 2022
Trending Search Topics for Summer Holidays 2022 (UK data)
Our TrendWatch research has been running for 6 months now and we’ve covered everything from toys to drugs, and from music to fashion across the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and South Africa. As we reach the summer season, I’ve taken a look at some additional travel-related trends that appeared […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
28. June 2022
How Much Journalistic Content is Found In Google Search?
The back-story to the ancillary copyright law in the EU, aimed at protecting publishers from content re-use, is long and complex. Some of its roots were set in Germany over 20 years ago and today, despite an agreed EU law, it’s still being argued. We have been following this since […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
22. June 2022
Top Domains and Content for Fashion Dresses
This month SectorWatch is dressing to impress as we jump into the world of fashion retail & find out who is winning the market for searches on dresses. We’re looking for the leading competitors & the best-performing content – who does Google think is on-trend?...
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
15. June 2022
11 years of Top-20 UK Domains, in 60 Seconds
As of this week, you can now use the movers and shakers feature for the complete timeline of the top domains, by Visibility Index, all the way back to 2011 for the UK....
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
13. June 2022
Google Core Update May 2022
After a long wait, Google has just started the roll-out of the first Core Update of the year. In this article we’ll show you affected domains, take a closer look at sectors and examples, and show you how to analyse losses....
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
27. May 2022
Top Domains and Content for Sustainable Travel
As we head towards summer, thoughts turn to holidays so this month, SectorWatch takes a deep dive into the sustainable travel industry to find the real competitors and high-performing content in Google’s organic search results....
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
12. May 2022
Amazon reports successes against fake reviews
Fake product reviews are a big problem for Amazon. Customers trust the platform and the reviews, and are disappointed by products and end up turning their backs on Amazon. Amazon has therefore been active in the fight against fake product reviews for some time and has now been able to […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
6. May 2022
Google is now writing its own Knowledge Panels
Until now, content in the Knowledge Panels has always come from third parties, often as excerpts from Wikipedia, sometimes from other domains, but always with a link to these sources. For some search terms such as “london”, Google has now started to write its own texts. Only “Google” is named […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
22. April 2022
IndexWatch Q1 2022: UK Winners & Losers 🇬🇧
From an algorithmic perspective, the first three months of 2022 were quiet for SEO, giving us a rare chance to look at winning and losing domains without a Core Update rocking the boat. There have been big movements among the domains, both in gains and losses, that are worth looking […]...
Luce Rawlings
Luce Rawlings
19. April 2022
Top Domains and Content for Easter Chocolate
The Easter bunny is waiting around the corner, as are the search results, ready for the traffic that this sector gets for a handful of weeks every year. In this SectorWatch we take a look at the leading domains and content for the sector, for two user intents. What happens […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
13. April 2022
Primark website Analysis
The new eCommerce website, launched in April 2022, was aimed at providing more informational content and encouraging more people to visit stores – the long-awaited Primark digital shopfront has arrived! You can look, you can view availability, you can click-and-collect, but you still can’t get products delivered. That’s what makes […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
8. April 2022
Google: AI-Generated Content Violates Guidelines
The use of artificial intelligence has made great strides in recent years. Advanced models like GPT-3 can now produce content that is difficult to distinguish from that written by humans. However, in the last Google Search Central Hangout, John Mueller from Google commented on the use of such tools from the […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
8. April 2022
Google to discontinue URL Parameter tool
Google has announced, that it will be discontinuing the URL parameter tool within the next month. With the help of this component of the former Google Webmaster Tools, one could tell Google, which URL parameters of the own page to ignore during crawling. As it has become significantly easier to […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
4. April 2022
EU Sanctions takes rt.com out of Google search results
It’s rare for websites to be dropped completely from the Google index but following sanctions by the EU Commission, this can now be seen for rt.com, the domain for the Russian propaganda channel Russia Today....
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
21. March 2022
Top Domains and Content for Project Management Software
SectorWatch exposes true competitors and analyses the high performance content that appears in Google’s organic search results. In this report we’re analysing the project management software marketplace. Who’s serving the demand? What type of sites and content are performing? Are the players who you think they are?...
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
16. February 2022
UK Retail 2021 Winners and Losers in Search
After exploring the winners and losers industry-wide, we’re now putting the retail sector under the microscope. COVID-19 has had a considerable impact across multiple sectors over the last couple of years, with retailers worldwide experiencing peaks and troughs. But did the picture get rosier as we moved through 2021? We’ve […]...
Luce Rawlings
Luce Rawlings
10. February 2022
Why Domain Authority (Moz), Authority Score (Semrush) and Domain Rating (Ahrefs) can lead to wrong decisions
Having the right measurements helps to reliably evaluate SEO success. This blog post is about why Domain Authority, Authority Score and Domain Rating can be misleading and encourage incorrect decisions....
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
31. January 2022
IndexWatch 2021: The SEO Losers In Google’s US Search Results. 🇺🇸
2021 was a difficult year to compete for organic search visibility. Not only did Google launch a variety of major algorithm updates throughout the year, but the SEO landscape also became significantly more competitive. The second year of the coronavirus pandemic and continued lockdowns resulted in many brands shifting their […]...
Lily Ray
Lily Ray
27. January 2022
Google FloC is now called Topics, and is More Transparent
Third-party cookies for tracking advertising purposes are dying out. Some time ago, Google introduced FloC (“Federated Learning of Cohorts”) in order to be able to show users advertising that corresponds to their interests and shopping habits. The idea: the surfing behavior of the users is analysed directly in the browser and […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
25. January 2022
IndexWatch 2021: The SEO Winners In Google’s US Search Results
2021 was a volatile year for Google’s organic search results, with frequent algorithm updates – both confirmed and unconfirmed – ranging from several broad core updates, to Product Review updates, to the long-awaited Page Experience update. ...
Lily Ray
Lily Ray
24. January 2022
De-duplication of Search Results: A Complex Example
The search results are becoming more and more complex in their structure – normal organic results, numerous vertical results boxes, structured, semantic data and more are brought together on one search result page. With this, it is inevitable that the same content will be found in several locations. To ensure that […]...
Johannes Beus
Johannes Beus
24. January 2022
IndexWatch 2021: The SEO Losers In Google’s UK Search Results
Whilst Google’s 2021 algorithm updates have resulted in spectacular SEO wins, we mustn’t forget about those domains that have not been so fortunate and have seen a decrease in organic visibility over the year, whether unintentionally or knowingly due to an SEO faux pas....
Luce Rawlings
Luce Rawlings
20. January 2022
IndexWatch 2021: The SEO Winners In Google’s UK Search Results
2021 was another year of changes, twists and turns, and the organic search world was no exception to this. Google rolled out several algorithm updates in their ongoing mission to improve search quality, relevance, and experience, including a questionably timed pre-Black Friday update. The pandemic continued to impact user search […]...
Luce Rawlings
Luce Rawlings
13. January 2022
Introducing: TrendWatch, the SISTRIX Data Journalism Team, and a Podcast
We enjoy very positive feedback on our Blog content with case studies and data studies the most popular so, to that end, we’ve built a data journalism team that will bring you more. The aim: create high-quality, interesting and transparent data-led stories to help the digital marketing community. The team […]...
Steve Paine
Steve Paine
4. January 2022