SISTRIX now also provides Google Knowledge Graph data. Understand how Google delimits and ranks topics. Activate and use it now via SISTRIX Labs.
Google wants to organise the world’s information, and in order for this to succeed, Google must understand topics, contexts and connections. The Knowledge Graph is Google’s database for this.
With SISTRIX there is now, for the first time, the possibility to interrogate and understand this data in and SEO software suite, and to use it for oneself. Activate these new analysis options for for the Knowledge Graph in SISTRIX Labs . The following evaluations will then be available to you.
A new navigation item “Knowledge Graph” will appear in the domain view. Here you can see, in a table, which Knowledge Graph topics the analysed domain currently ranks for:

The table provides the following columns:
- Name : the name of the Knowledge Graph entry on Google. Often this is the main keyword, but sometimes it is not. We use the display name on Google here. In a few cases, we only show the Google-internal ID of the entry there.
- Top Keyword : the keyword of this domain that shows this Knowledge Graph panel with the most search volume. Name and top keyword are often closely related, but not always.
- Top URL : like top-keyword, but the ranking URL of the analysed domain.
- Amount : The number of keywords of this URL that show the corresponding Knowledge Graph panel. Clicking on the number takes you directly to the pre-filtered keyword table.
- Opportunities : a list of keywords for which the Knowledge Graph Panel is displayed, but for which the examined domain is not currently ranked. It is often worth expanding the content accordingly.
Listing the domain’s ranking keywords for which a specific Knowledge Graph panel is displayed, can provide interesting clues about synonyms and related keywords:

By clicking on the Knowledge Graph panel name, the interface switches to that of Keyword Discovery and we will then show all keywords from our database that showing the corresponding knowledge panel in the organic results:

With many topics, it quickly becomes apparent how comprehensively Google understands the topics, which synonyms are covered and how much search volume there is on the different spellings and variants.
You can now activate this beta feature free of charge in the SISTRIX Labs and use it directly.