Link Module: Discover Defective Links, Harness Link Chances and Evaluate Link Profiles

Not too long ago, Google confirmed that links are still one of the three most important ranking factors. Because of this, over the past few month, we reworked and improved the link module from the ground up.

In this post, we want to show you a selection of our most important, new features and the improved evaluations you will find in the link module.

Discover broken links with just one click

The availability check for links has been one of the most popular features in the link module. We reworked the feature from the ground up and improved it in a number of crucial points:

Before, we checked the 100 best link targets. Now, the link module will check up to 1.000 link targets. Ten times the number of links means that, for most projects, we will now check the link accessibility for the entire project.

Additionally, we will now also follow all redirects. Thanks to this, you can check if the incoming links to your website are effectively reaching their intended targets (or not).

Straightforward filters enable you to analyse different error types with just one click.

Find link sources for your competition, which you do not yet use yourself

The right link sources can be the vital competitive edge in the rankings. With a new feature in the link module, you are now able to find link sources that are already in use by your competition – which you yourself are not yet using.

The chances feature will show you the link sources of your competition, sorted by the visibility index value of the linking domain. If you compare your domain to more than one competitor, we will only evaluate the link sources which all of those competitors have in common.

Differentiate important from unimportant links

Google has become extremely good, over the last years, in discerning important from unimportant links. Looking at the pure volume of links is not a useful indicator. Trustworthy domains rank well. The SISTRIX Visibility Index is the “Gold-Standard” when it comes to a websites success on Google, for the past 10 years.

With the update to the link module we are moving our focus even further towards the quality assessment of links:

We now sort our link tables by the highest Visibility Index score of the linking hostname and we made the link table slimmer and more clear cut. If you want to make the additional information visible once again, you can do so in the table options, of course. We want to focus on the essentials with the new look.

The row with the best linked to domains and visibility distribution chart, on the link overview page, are now also based on the highest Visibility Index value for the domains.