Extensive Analyses with more Data from the Google Search Console

Google started to allow external access to the Search Console in 2015. Ever since that time we have been providing these data directly in the SEO module of the SISTRIX Toolbox. Now, we have once again extended this Google-Search-Console-Integration and give you the functionality in the Optimizer.

If you linked your websites’ property to the Toolbox, you can now access your extended Search Console data within the Optimizer:

This new table gives you access to a number of key values from the Google Search Console. You can quickly see

  • which keyword a URL is ranking for,
  • how many impressions and clicks they generated,
  • the position changes in the SERPs,
  • the device used as well as the breakdown by country and
  • gained and lost keywords on URL- and directory-level

Just as you are familiar with from the SEO module, you can sort the results by different criteria through our filter-function. We adde two new quickfilter for Keywords which let you search for specific keywords, with just one click, or show you all results with a CTR of less than 3%.

We conciously left out a ranking distribution based on the Gogole Data, as this causes a systemic misrepresentation of the SERP-rankings. For more information on this, please read our Ask-SISTRIX article Ranking distribution based on Google data.

The integration of Google-Search-Console data is included in both the SEO module as well as in the Optimizer.