Smartphone-data and Visibility Index for all countries

From today on, the SISTRIX Toolbox will be the first tool worldwide to offer you smartphone-data and -Visibility Index scores for every country in our index: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the USA. According to Google, in more than 10 countries (including the USA) more searchqueries come from mobile devices than through the desktop search.

Goolge uses the same index for both the desktop- as well as the smartphone-search the same index, which is enriched with additional information for the mobile version of the results. This made it our goal to be able to show any weakness in the mobile implementation of the site through the use of our smartphone Visibility Index.

To make sure that the comparability of both indexes is assured, we have chosen the same keyword-set, the same query-depth and the same quantifiers for searchvolume and ranking. For this, we are compiling and comparing the values for 100 million datapoints, each.

If you want to switch to the smartphone Visibility Index, you can click on the cogwheel in the top righthand corner of the corresponding box and choose “Switch to smartphone”.


On the domain-overview page, this option will be present for the “Visibility Index” history as well as the “Interesting Rankings” table. The current Visibility Index value on the same page will always show both values.


Additionally, this option is available for the tables on “SEO -> Keywords”, “SEO -> Directories” and “SEO -> Hostnames”.


The following user-agent is used when we query the smartphone-data:

(Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/546.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/7E18WD Safari/8536.25)

For the smartphone-data, just as with the desktop-data, we will query the Top-100 results for each keyword. We gather the keyword data for all language indexes available in the Toolbox. For the German Visibility Index we query 250.000 keywords, while all other countries have a Visibility Index keyword-set of 1.000.000 keywords. All are queried once a week.